Designing a middle CP


L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 16, 2009
Kind of expanding on the 2.5 routes rule, I think there should be 2.5 routes into the cap area, then one really wide main route to the point for each team, with the rest of the point more or less inaccessible, and the rest of the area used for flanking routes. Often, whatever object (or lack thereof) is blocking the sides of the point may allow for indirect fire onto the point, and many can be overcome by soldiers and demos.

Granary: 2 wide doors to let players in, one small door up above. One main route to the point itself, and the rest of the point (except for the small side route) is blocked by crates. This blocks to point for most classes, but soldiers and demos can overcome the height difference to gain direct access to the point from unseen angles. These blocks allow players to sneak around and flank the enemy.

Badlands: 1 main doorway and 1 chokepoint from the second point, and a small doorway from below. Players are mostly forced onto the point from one direction, it being on a bridge and all. The sides are useless for getting on the point for, again, classes other than soldier and demo. Around (and under) these sides, though, are great flanking routes.

Well: 2 main doorways to the central area, and one small doorway from above. Players are forced into one main route to the point, similarly to Badlands. Again, the dropoffs on the sides of the point mean it's only accessible from the main path to most classes, and also allow flanking opportunities.

You can even see these trends in Coldfront and Yukon.


L420: High Member
Sep 13, 2008
Woo, got a little brain blast and got a mid point blocked out, and I shall keep those tips in mind. Thanks again guys.


L1: Registered
Jun 18, 2010
Flat and raised CP's create totally different mid battles.

Take Granary with a flat CP but complimented with high crates and a catwalk around it providing both cover and height to battle from. This compensates for the flat CP and battles tend to be fought around the CP as opposed to on it like raised CP's (Blands/Follower). Yukon is very open and players capping mid can be sniped and recieve damage from a distance due to the lack of protection. Flat CP's need to be well covered to prevent capping players from being picked from distances and effectively encourage opponents to enter the point and stop the capture.

On raised CP's it becomes essential that a 'valley' underneath a CP requires an environment for players to fight/defend effectively against those above when they do fall off or choose to enter from underneath. In Well essentially if you fight from the bottom you are left vulnerable due to very little protection and environment around which shows Blands valley to be much more effective as it is filled with rocks/raised ground for protection and a getway to second resupply by not forcing the player to run up onto the bridge and through the house exposing themselves. Ofcourse this is assuming your CP is on a bridge of some sorts.

Choosing entry points onto raised CP's are vital.


L420: High Member
Sep 13, 2008
Now I just need to design everything away from my mid CP. I want Hammer back :(