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CTF ctf_Anti 2018-08-19


L1: Registered
Aug 19, 2018
ctf_Anti - ctf_Anti


This is ctf_Anti, a Team Fortress 2 Map designed to help me brush up on my level design skills.


My initial concept was a map that comprised of two distinct areas: a long hallway where the player could take cover from opposing fire, and a wide open area where chaos would break loose. I wanted to emphasize the juxtaposition between these two distinct areas to push an appeal towards players want to play it safe and shoot behind large amounts of cover, and those who want to rush into the battlefield and annihilate everything.


The first iteration of the map had a lower ceiling height, and a significantly decreased amount of cover within the open space. After playtesting several times with friends and classmates at my University, I realized that, well, a wide open space is quite boring without anything to interact with or take cover behind, and alongside that, there were no flanking routes. I added several of these for variety and enjoyment.


The hallway went through significant changes. At first, it was literally a straight path that led right into the other team's spawn, with no manner of entering the open area without running down the stairs next to a team spawn. This was adjusted so that the player had to take a few turns to get to the other end of the map, as it provided an opportunity to include powerups and, well, not allow the player to literally spawnkill everything.



To add additional variety to the open space of the map, a small room located under the main level was added to allow players to collect health and ammo, alongside a few small nooks for players to hide in.


What was initially a direct path to the intelligence turned into three different paths after playtesting: an alternate path to a player's respective spawn area, a flanking route that leads to the center of the battlefield, and, of course, a direct path to the intelligence.

In brief, what was learned from the process of designing ctf_Anti was that open spaces need an extensive amount of interaction to keep players engaged, and that a safety space needs, some open room for players to actually engage in the fight.