

L1: Registered
Aug 13, 2008

cp_kwik is a three stage, 8 objective attack/defend map.

this is the first beta version and a number of potential issues are already in mind:
1. wayfinding...i know the map can be a little confusing and i hope to improve on this in subsequent versions. hopefully, play time on the map will mitigate this, but in the meantime, never be afraid to follow the arrows.
2. balance...it's pretty much a complete mystery to me if this will play anything like what i've imagined, as i've not done extensive playtesting along the way. i also stopped playing tf2 on an obsessive basis shortly into making this map, and while i'd like to think that i considered the abundance of possibilities that class based gameplay presents, i'm sure i'm guilty of doing a few don'ts.
3. theme...a sort of narrative theme is there, but it's really just window dressing for the primary theme, which is the geometry of the map.
as it turns out, though, red punch is lethal (though, ironically, infused with vitamins), and the blu team, having just discovered this, are making their way into and through red's production facility to shut the operation down. the map itself doesn't come off as a traditional factory, but making unconventional beverages calls for unconventional geometries, no?
4. round times...i've done little more than add about 260 seconds for each cap. this is a number from which to judge times and will most likely be tweaked after testing reveals some patterns.
5. i've also implemented 3 different sub-objectives, which are achieved by tripping a blu sort of laser beam. the beams are placed in advance positions within their respective larger objectives, and they serve to open up, or shut down, certain areas of the map to give blu slightly greater chances. these could prove to be utterly confusing and not so useful, so their existence is subject to change.

aside from this, the level of detail is low in some places (while quite high in others) and there is a noticeable absence of light models in some areas. on the plus side, i've clipped great portions of the map to ensure smooth movement along what would otherwise be pretty annoying collections of surfaces.

thanks to the [cC] and yinyarr guys and girls for coming around whenever i've put up alpha versions of the map and thanks to preacher for help with the web stuff.

enjoy, and don't drink the red punch.












L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 2, 2009
Is it wrong that I'm most impressed by the top screenshoot-a-changing in the post thing you did?

Looks like good times. Here's hoping you submit it for gameday


L6: Sharp Member
May 3, 2008
I'd love to see this in gameday as well. I think the most I've ever seen on it was 12-14 people, and due to its size that's just not enough. I won't comment on it here since I've done plenty elsewhere, but I'll just say there are things I absolutely love about the map and things I absolutely hate about it. :)

Don't drink the red punch!

PS: Hi cinci!


Feb 12, 2009
Very intresting arichtexture. Not Valve like at all, and that's great. I love to see this experimentation.

The only problem you might have is that some the areas don't really look like they are owned by one team, the look very netural, not at all like a red base or blu one.