

The Asylum


Presenting the first beta release of cp_cagematch. Both teams must storm into the steel cage, fight back the other team, and capture the point within


- two spawn exits: one on the stage, the other behind the billboard titantron-standins. Skilled Snipers can hamper an offense before it begins
- daring Soldiers and Demos can rocket/pipe jump their way into the cage without having to use the cell openings
- dark hiding spots for Pyros and Spies
- the cage walls are juuuuuuuuust high enough for Demos to pipejump over, but not low enough to let them nadespam from the relative saftey outside the cage



The entrances and the cage

Closer shot of the entrances

Atop the spawn room

Inside the cage


You know what to do! http://forums.tf2maps.net/./downloads.php?do=file&id=392





Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
I opened this map and played arond in it for a good 20 minutes or so... by
myself. And this is what I have to say. This is a beta release so I will treat it as such. There are sevral problems however, that I believe should've been fixed in alpha stage.

The spawnrooms could use some work, the roof is only 1 unit thick and it bothers me. It needs more color and more brushwork.

The engine renders the whole map, always. Put some areaportals in the doorways.
Make the entire cage into a detail brushes since they don't cover line of sight and the whole thing is tearing your map apart by creating tons of visleaves. Now, I'm no expert on optimizing since I'm fairly new to mapping but seriously, that has to be fixed.

The billboard model is clipping through some brushes on the house.

as for gameplay, well... (keep in mind I'm only speculating here, since I have only played it alone)
All but two classes must use the two very small entrances to the cage, making it seriously hard to use any kind of tactic or such since the defenders inside knows exactly where the enemy will strike. Every time.
The cap time is quite long? I don't know, but it feels like eternity.
I think you are underestimating the power of pipejump too. Didn't try but it's probably possible to fly from one roof to the other. That said, the size the cage needs to be for you to stop demomen is.... gigantic, or massive... you pick.

And lastly; It is very easy to nade spam the thing. I stood behind the billboard (fully covered from sight) and lobbed stickes and grenades straight into the cage. no problem throwing them in from the ground either.

I can't give any good advice on how to fix all of these issues without rebuilding the entire level because I think the basic design and idea is flawed.

I like the cage tho, it really has just enough brushes to make it feel right and the colored ropes is a nice touch

This is obviously a map just to have fun on and not to be played with a serious face. I however seems to have failed that...
I can see this map would be great on a LAN or with friends. But on public... I don't even want to think about it.

Sorry if I sound harsh here but I'm just saying what I thought in my head while testing this map. Now then, keep working on it and it will probably become something people will enjoy playing, taking a break from all the seriousness

The Asylum

Fun fact: I originally designed this as a melee-only map. I guess that's a lesson learned about trying to retrofit a map designed for something else. See also: ctf_well.

Right then, Melee-only and areaportals. Will do.