Compile error and Troublesome Sprite


L3: Member
Mar 30, 2021
Hey guys, second thread today!

First question:
I'm making a map in TF2 and I want to add a sprite. So I made an image with a sprite with an alpha channel but not only does the sprite not show transparency but it also is turning from the side instead of the center. It shows as transparent in VTF edit, but not on the sprite or on a brush. Is defining the texture as a $sprite making the transparency not work?

As for the origin, the problem is, env_sprite doesn't have an origin option in the properties! Here's the vmf of it, let me know what I can do to make this centered.

"$basetexture" "mario_kart_64/LRtree2"
"$spriteorientation" "vp_parallel"
"$spriteorigin" "[ 0.50 0.50 ]"
"$translucent" "1"
"$nocull" "1"
"$vertexcolor" "1"
"$vertexalpha" "1"
"%keywords" "tree"

Question two, my map isn't compiling and I can't figure out why. No leaks, no pointfile, no portal file either. No displacements are in groups or func_details. I'm wondering why. I do have a skybox which has some func_details and displacements but that's it. Any ideas?

** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -game "D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" "D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\vmfs\kart_waiting.vmf"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (May 21 2020)
8 threads
materialPath: D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\materials
Loading D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\vmfs\kart_waiting.vmf
ConVarRef mat_reduceparticles doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Brush 20499: FloatPlane: bad normal
Side 0

** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vvis.exe"
** Parameters: -game "D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" "D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\vmfs\kart_waiting"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (May 21 2020)
8 threads
reading d:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\maps\vmfs\kart_waiting.bsp
reading d:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\maps\vmfs\kart_waiting.prt
LoadPortals: couldn't read d:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\maps\vmfs\kart_waiting.prt

** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vrad.exe"
** Parameters: -game "D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" "D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\vmfs\kart_waiting"

Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (May 21 2020)

Valve Radiosity Simulator
8 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
unknown light specifier type - lights

[56 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading d:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\maps\vmfs\kart_waiting.bsp
Setting up ray-trace acceleration structure... Done (0.02 seconds)
420 faces
436070 square feet [62794192.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
420 patches before subdivision
23562 patches after subdivision
sun extent from map=0.008727
2 direct lights
BuildFacelights: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
BuildVisLeafs: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
transfers 1113771, max 357
transfer lists: 8.5 megs
GatherLight: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Bounce #1 added RGB(34774, 62815, 21718)
GatherLight: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Bounce #2 added RGB(3042, 9021, 1069)
GatherLight: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Bounce #3 added RGB(109, 560, 30)
GatherLight: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Bounce #4 added RGB(7, 87, 1)
GatherLight: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Bounce #5 added RGB(0, 7, 0)
GatherLight: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Bounce #6 added RGB(0, 1, 0)
GatherLight: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Bounce #7 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0038 sec>
FinalLightFace: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
ThreadComputeLeafAmbient: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
------------ --------------- --------------- --------
models 1/1024 48/49152 ( 0.1%)
brushes 119/8192 1428/98304 ( 1.5%)
brushsides 1103/65536 8824/524288 ( 1.7%)
planes 740/65536 14800/1310720 ( 1.1%)
vertexes 769/65536 9228/786432 ( 1.2%)
nodes 95/65536 3040/2097152 ( 0.1%)
texinfos 86/12288 6192/884736 ( 0.7%)
texdata 12/2048 384/65536 ( 0.6%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 420/65536 23520/3670016 ( 0.6%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 142/65536 7952/3670016 ( 0.2%)
leaves 97/65536 3104/2097152 ( 0.1%)
leaffaces 485/65536 970/131072 ( 0.7%)
leafbrushes 246/65536 492/131072 ( 0.4%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 2600/512000 10400/2048000 ( 0.5%)
edges 1479/256000 5916/1024000 ( 0.6%)
LDR worldlights 2/8192 176/720896 ( 0.0%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 68/32768 680/327680 ( 0.2%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 1077/65536 2154/131072 ( 1.6%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 587784/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 340/16777216 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 5276/393216 ( 1.3%)
LDR ambient table 97/65536 388/262144 ( 0.1%)
HDR ambient table 97/65536 388/262144 ( 0.1%)
LDR leaf ambient 384/65536 10752/1835008 ( 0.6%)
HDR leaf ambient 97/65536 2716/1835008 ( 0.1%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
pakfile [variable] 54/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 40689/4194304 ( 1.0%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 1214
Writing d:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\maps\vmfs\kart_waiting.bsp
ZIP Output overshot buffer estimate: Estimated 0, actual 54
1 second elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\vmfs\kart_waiting.bsp" "D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\kart_waiting.bsp"

** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\hl2.exe"
** Parameters: -game "D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" -novid +map "kart_waiting" -steam


L2: Junior Member
May 25, 2017
pasting your compile log in here outputs "brush 20499: floatplane: bad normal side 0 texture: mario_kart_64/blocks_yellow"

one of your textures is aligned wrong. it's recommended to just delete the brush it's on and start over. you can find more help regarding how to find the brush on the page i linked, but i'd try pressing alt + p first, since that is what i'd do if i had a problem in my map.

as for your sprite, i'm not really well-versed there, but did you close Hammer, reopen, and then compile when you added it?


L3: Member
Mar 30, 2021
Thanks, the compile error is fixed, as is the centering (since it's determined in the vmt).

EDIT: I made the sprite have transparency by changing the VMT from a Sprite class to an UnlitGeneric class.
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