OK, I opened up the cobblestone-to-water blend texture that
@Bakscratch made, and fiddled around with stuff. I got a better understanding of the wizardry involved and figured out how to use, for example, the metal/metalchrome001 texture that's in the game files. Try this mess on for size:
$basetexture [whatever you want to blend to/from]
$blendmodulatetexture [whatever blend mask you want to use]
$basetexture2 "metal/metalchrome001" [or whatever]
$bumpmap [normal map normally associated with the basetexture]
$bumpmap2 [blank normal map so the chrome part stays flat]
$envmap "env_cubemap"
"$normalmapalphaenvmapmask 1 [not sure if this is necessary]
$surfaceprop [dirt, rock, whatever]
$surfaceprop2 "metal"
Notes: For whatever reason, $envmap only affects $basetexture2. I suspect it might just be attaching it to whichever basetexture it read last, so if you stuck it in between the two it would be the other way around, but I haven't tested this. For the $bumpmap2, you'll need a VTF that's essentially just solid #8080FF. There might be one buried in the files somewhere; I just made my own.
Be sure to only use this for good or for awesome, and always remember to build your cubemaps! Pocket out.