
CTF tokencargo A2


L3: Member
Feb 19, 2015
I went into Microcontest #4 wanting to make the foundation of a good map. Every single map I've made, excluding toothpaste, has some sort of wacky spin that makes you think, "Wow, haha, that's a wacky spin. Shame the map is bad."

ctf_cargotokens_mc4, now ctf_tokencargo, was my attempt to make a good map foundation in 2 1/2 hours. I think succeeded? Once I get rid of the all the quirks that come from a map being made in 2 1/2 hours and give the map an actual name. Just maybe, if I don't lose focus of my goal, ctf_tokencargo can become something that can reach the beta stage. Or I'll never rework the bottom route and the map will continue to be a chaotic mess as I continue to double the amount oil_drum each update.

The goal of A2 was to reduce the amount of scout rush in the map. While I do like the idea of this map having fairly quick and chaotic rounds, the map shouldn't just be which vaccinator+scout combo(s) can pubrush the flag first.

  • Changed map name
  • Moved the spawn building away from mid to give teams more time to setup a defense to their flag.
  • Reduced the size of the flag capture zone. The flag now spawns closer to the spawn building.
  • Reduced the size of the entrance/exit to the bottom route.
  • The center pillar of the bottom route now rounded and is made of glass.
  • Added a fence and block bullet clip to prevent airstrike soldiers from spamming into the flag courtyard from the flank route.
  • Increased the height of the metal mid platforms.
  • Fixed a small amount of clipping issues.

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