
KotH Cannery b11c


L2: Junior Member
Jan 24, 2016
so b4 was kind of terrible so
- displacements on mid removed because i didnt really like them
- other displacements smoothed
- Some rooves flipped
- Main is how REALLY strong for the spawning team
- Pack values have been shuffled a bit, overall reducing the health available at mid but increasing the health available near viable push points.
- Jumps adjusted slightly
- Left room's cover has been reduced slightly because snipers were having a lot of issues

Main Changes:

- Respawn wave time for the team that owns the point has been changed from 2 to 3 seconds.

Overall, it's become a lot easier to hit people standing on high ground which forces them to retreat, especially combined with the reduced health at mid. Teams who are attacking the point are bolstered by their newfound spam-angles and increased health at chokepoints, letting them push easier.

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 24, 2016
So a huge issue with the map was that it was too "narrow". Now, since hardly any fighting took place outside of mid and therefore wouldn't be an issue, I interpreted this as an issue with mid. abp's comment was that it was difficult to push without taking the opponents on head-on. So, I realised, that the intended flank routes at mid werent really flank routes at all, since it was very difficult to get behind the enemy due to how exposed they were. Now, I have made it quite easy for players to sneak past the midpoint straight behind the enemy team - Assuming, of course, that the enemy isnt paying a lot of attention to their flank.

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 24, 2016
main is wider now, using some of the empty space between left side and main.
shed is now less deep, so it's harder to just camp in there. Your team should NOT be spending most of their time in shed, as was previous.
The majority of the map has been textured. Looking forward to aesthetic feedback!

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 24, 2016
Spawns have recieved a texture overhaul to make them look more like koth king, which will ultimately be the desired style of the map.

A window from bridge to balc has been made, allowing the combo to see flanks better - a theme of this update.

A doorway has been added to the left side flank letting teams rotate from main to balc a lot quicker, as well as letting cornered teams escape faster if they get pushed into from mid.

There is a lot less ammo around, in an effort to prevent spam. If you need ammo, you have two choices - Walk backwards, or kill people. Either way is better than standing on a pack and spamming.

A lot of walls in the map have been replaced by fences, allowing players to see things, with their eyes. Eyes are, generally, an extremely useful tool and I feel that buffing them will make getting flanked less frustrating. It would be expensive to ship glasses to everyone that plays the map, so instead I'm just adding these cool fences.

The flank route at mid has regained the pathway to the point that it lost a long time ago. It's still a flank route, of course, but now if someone is walking through to get behind you, you can (you guessed it) see them coming.

As you can imagine, people enjoyed the combat but didn't really enjoy getting spammed out or getting randomly killed by people that were behind them. This was by no fault of their own - they couldn't see the flank, because there were severe visibility issues. These, hopefully, have all been fixed.

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 24, 2016
I've almost completely surrounded the map in buildings, now.
But, that's not really important - gameplay changes!
There's now a window in shed to help you spy on the flanks easier - Speaking of shed, shed's narrower in order to make more width on mid, something heavily requested. Props have been standardised in clipping (see: no clipping) and most perch points have been removed. if you still find some, tell me like the responsible gentle(wo)man you are.
Bask in thine screenshots:

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