Black Texture problem & Distorted reflections


L1: Registered
Apr 4, 2009
I've got a couple problems I'm not sure how to fix.

First, I've got an issue with a single texture showing up solid black when I compile the map with vrad.

It's not a model texture, and there's no leaks in the map. It's the airduct texture so it's used several times in the map, and it works fine except on this one pesky brush.

I tried deleting and creating a new brush twice, but it just does the same thing.
If I build cubemaps, the specular effects show up normally, but with black underneath.

Here's some screenshots to show what I'm talking about.

From an angle where the specular effects don't show.

From an angle where the specular effects do show.

Symmetrical RED side where it works just fine.
(no cubemaps built in this shot)

(ignore the bad quality I forgot to change irfanview to not resize)

No matter what texture I use it's black, and again it only turns black when I compile with vrad on so it's related to the lighting I think, but I can't figure out what's causing it.


Second, the reflections on a couple brushes are distorted. Not sure how to describe it so I'll go straight to the screenshots.

If you look straight at the textures they look fine, the distortion is only in the reflection.


L1: Registered
Apr 4, 2009
As I said, it's not a model texture, and it does it no matter what texture I use.

I'm pretty sure the face just isn't being lit, but I don't know why or how to fix it.
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