Basics of an MvM map?

Honey Badger

L1: Registered
Jun 23, 2017

I'm currently working on an Mann Vs. Machine map, however i'm having trouble with some basics of an MvM map (It is my first time making an MvM map) such as:
  • Making robots/tanks spawn
  • Making the paths the robots should (and shouldn't) follow
  • Making the holographic points on where the robots will be going
  • Putting the big carrier tank in the background
I would like to also do some advance stuff but at the moment I want to focus on the basics, I have made a hatch, the control point and the map in the MvM gamemode.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
You can find all of the logic for mvm within the mvm_example vmf. Incase you dont have it, here is a download:

It has:
the logic for making robots and tanks spawn (all the map-side things, atleast)
Making the robots follow certain paths
The holograms.

You can copy the logic directly from the vmf, and it should work fine in your map as long as you have everything. The vmf has notes on almost all entities in the 'notes' box. read those to find out why they exist and what they are for.

In regards to the big carrier - that is a prop_static that is just placed in the map behind where the bots spawn. Im not sure on the exact name but you should be able to find it in the model browser under carrier (if not just scroll through the entire thing, itll be there somewhere (or use filters at the top)).

It is worth noting that a lot of the things that happen in mvm are due to the .pop file that comes with the map. If you have all the logic in your map already you can rename an official .pop file to the name of your .bsp and it should work fine - then everything else should be working.
You can find a download for all the official .pop files here:

Honey Badger

L1: Registered
Jun 23, 2017
Thank you!

However i'm a bit lost on the population files part, like how do i make them, where do i put the files, and how do i link them with the map?
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professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
.Pop files are linked with the map simply by being named the same thing as the map file.

They are stored in steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\scripts\population (there might not be a folder there, you can just make one named population).

As for making them, here is a handy dandy guide:

Its also a good idea to look at the mvm_example.pop file to see how some things are done. Looking at other Valve .pop files can be helpful too. Here is a download:

If you dont, i suggest that you use notepad++ to look at and edit .pop files - it makes it much easier to read them and see whats going on.

Honey Badger

L1: Registered
Jun 23, 2017
Certainly overwhelming I admit, I'm having trouble still getting the population file to work with my map, I renamed the file to match my map, however I'm not seeing anything like the money in the bottom left or the incoming robots in the top

I'm constantly looking over the example file (and other files from other maps i just had in the folder) and I can't see what i'm doing wrong


professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
Have you made your own .pop file or just renamed one?
Is there the green rectangle thing in the bottom armour just without the money is, or nothing there at all?
And, Do you have all the required mvm logic in your map?

And, incase you named it wrong (it happens) the .pop file name must be just like the name of the bsp
for example, my map "mvm_fiori_a9.bsp" would need a popfile named "mvm_fiori_a9.pop".

Honey Badger

L1: Registered
Jun 23, 2017
I took all the logic from the example map, so i presume i do. There is a green rectangle without the money at all.

I originally took some code from one then saved it under a different name just to see if it worked (Which it didn't), then deleted it and tried making one myself

However it doesn't save as .pop, only as a notepad++ text file, i ended it in .pop but it won't change :(

Not sure if this pic would help, but have a pic:


Sep 23, 2011
That is the expected HUD when the pop file wasn't found by the game.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Try building a nav file. It probably won't fix it, but its worth a shot.

For paths, just use nav_prefers. In the collaborative map I'm working on, MVM_Helix, theres two robot spawns, but each spawn only has one path from it to the hatch. To make them follow only the spawn's respective path, I put nav_prefers down each path, named them accordingly, and tagged them will all the nessisary tags. Now, the robots stay in the nav_prefer areas!


professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
ah yes, i forgot that you need to have a nav_mesh. Type nav_generate into the console to generate a basic one.

As for saving the file as a .pop file, when saving it make sure the file type at the bottom is set to "all files".


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
If you have a navigation mesh and you still get that lovely wave 0 decorating the top of your screen, then there's just something wrong with your .pop file. A bracket in the wrong place or some other goofs that makes the mission not parse properly. Usually those are somewhat easy to notice since they tend to be wave-specific in most cases (Unless it's the Mission Support that breaks the parser since the rest of the mission stops loading the moment one part of it fails to parse)
May 25, 2015
However it doesn't save as .pop, only as a notepad++ text file, i ended it in .pop but it won't change :(
When saving your file from Notepad++, you must select "all file types" in the file type selector. This allow you to choose any file extension, as it will otherwise save as a .txt by default.


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
Thank you!

However i'm a bit lost on the population files part, like how do i make them, where do i put the files, and how do i link them with the map? should be able to help you properly make a .pop file if you find handwriting it too complex. I think you can also pack .pop files into the map using programs such as VIDE. Correct me if I am wrong though


professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
Its much better to make .pop files yourself than to use It makes for a much more clean .pop file and gives a lower chance of things breaking (also making your own encourages you to do more interesting things).
Once you learn how to do it its actually pretty fun designing waves to crush your enemies testers with.

Honey Badger

L1: Registered
Jun 23, 2017
Hey, Thanks for the advice everyone, I've currently stopped working on the map, but i'm currently messing with the population files on a test map and It's going great, I wanted to say thanks again for the help! :)

I might even see about trying to help others make a pop file if people are finding it hard
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