A Two Team Spawn Set Up Gone Wrong

Oct 6, 2008

Searched around the forums already but can’t find the answer.

Have referenced to goldwater set up for mine and have it 95% working right with the exception of the very last part.

I’m trying to use the same spawn room for both teams – typing out some of stuff in case other new people want to do the same:


On Map Start:

Blue Spawn 1

Both_team_spawn (the spawn room that both teams want to use)
- set team to red

Red 2nd Spawn (the spawn where red will spawn once team control in the room above is switched)


Round Starts

Cart goes to point x

- On pass – kill – Red_gate_trigger, activate blue_gate_trigger (resets gate control of the spawn room to blue team)

- On pass - respawn viz team filter changes over from red to blue (associated spawn room = Both_team_spawn – you are locking out the bad guys) because of the next line

- On Pass – Room Control set to team 3 (as per goldrush coding) – Red team now starts to spawn in Red 2nd Spawn

- On pass – activate – red_red_team killer to kill any red still in room

- On Pass Disable Blue Spawn 1

Now that’s where I’m running into the problem – everything works just great, but, when the Both_team_spawn goes from red to blue control and I disable the first blue room – blue team spawns inside red’s 2nd spawn room even though I have everything that room coded to red.

What’s the last part of the steps to complete it or get it working? Which command am I missing? Any ideas?
Oct 6, 2008
Ok I have figured it out - it's a little tricky so what I'll do tomorrow is put down the solution here and upload a bsp / vmf for people to DL

Edit: Hi - Sorry for the delay in getting the map out there for you people who may be waiting to see this. I had a funeral veiwing to go to and anther funeral on Friday - will try to get it done by the weekend.
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Oct 6, 2008