trigger push

  1. SaltyPapi

    trigger_push not pushing correctly

    Hi, I'm trying to get a trigger_push to activate whenever a player enters the water that runs along the center of my map; It won't work however, I have the settings I'm currently using down below; I fairly certain the direction and angle are both...
  2. Duck-Joke

    Trigger_Push does not work

    I'm making a map (here it is if you're curious:, but i'm having some problems... I've made some ledges, that you're not supposed to stand on, but you can jump over them with soldier, demo, scout etc. so i thought i could use trigger_push to push...
  3. Ol_Nutty

    Help with Trigger Push

    So I have a little project that I am working on, and I have run into a snag, trigger_push does not push for me... I don't know what causes it to not push as I followed what guides I could (and found a lot of gun triggers...) and none gave me any solution. Also, I do know that you have to jump...