
  1. The Tiny Desk Engineer

    How do I pack custom announcer soundscripts into bsp?

    I'm making a map in the Portal 1 style and I'm thinking about using GLaDOS voicelines (and perhaps AI-generated lines for things like round countdown and other lines that Portal 1's set of voicelines can't be used for, but I don't know how I'm supposed to pack the soundscripts into the map file...
  2. Squaggies

    Silencing the Announcer or Other Game Sounds (Replacing too!)

    Shutting up specific voice lines (like the announcer) is more convoluted than I expected, and finding a solution was difficult so I’m making a thread on how to do it with style, and with this method you can not only remove the voicelines, but you can replace them with custom ones too! This...
  3. BackSun

    Do MVM soundscripts work?

    Hi all, I've been trying to add a soundscript to my map but have been running into difficulty. I have gotten the soundscript to work on several non-MVM maps, so I know that it is formatted correctly, but as soon as I rename it to match an MVM map (my own or otherwise) it stops working. I have...
  4. Mystic Monkey

    Silent smash

    Does this soundscript look right? koth_greenhill_level_sound.txt Game.YourTeamWon { channel CHAN_AUTO volume VOL_NORM pitch PITCH_NORM soundlevel SNDLVL_NORM wave "sonic sounds/your_team_won.wav" } Game.YourTeamLost { channel CHAN_AUTO volume VOL_NORM pitch PITCH_NORM...
  5. Werewolf

    Looped .wav file sounds 'glitchy'

    I'm trying to work on an update to DR_Bank, and one point of feedback I had seen was about compressing my sound files. After trying to compress them I have found that Gaben's (the motivator) move sound became distorted. I heard the bug and tried to revert the change by extracting the same file...
  6. The_Gl!tch.exe

    Soundscapes/ Soundscripts Problem [Solved]

    I've made a trade map and it uses soundscapes for background music only. For this I have a soundscapes_manifest.txt file refering to the soundscapes_mapname.txt which contains the soundscapes. (Both files are in the scripts folder) The soundscapes usually work when compiling with Hammer...
  7. XEnderFaceX

    Soundscript for Blu/Red Announcements Problem

    Hi im making a Frontline themed Map, i want to use the unused Voicelines for Payload Race. i made a Soundscript and placed them into the Scripts folder, they look like this: "Announcer.RedB" { "volume" "1" "pitch" "10,250" "wave" "announcer_sound\announcer_plr_racegeneral11.wav" }...