
  1. D

    Skybox faces to VDC like panorama (Substance Designer) v3

    quick substance designer node i once made to stitch a bunch of skyboxes in a presentable format in a reasonable amount of time. it's not great Extract the skybox faces, turn them into usable colour images like PNG or BMP or whatever, link them to the appropriate inputs, then link an output...
  2. Amicdict

    Need help with triggers and ent_create.

    I'm working on a config to allow players to play MvM with bot allies on listen servers. (NOTE: This is different from setting up a dedicated server to play MvM on. Not all players can just setup a dedicated server at will!) I got the bots working (long story short they need a RED item_teamflag...
  3. So/\/ 0f A M0ther DucK

    How to use !activator in a Point_ServerCommand

    I want it in my map so when a player walks over a trigger box I can use the command sm_givew "playername" "weapon". Is there a way to pass the player name in this query?
  4. B!scuit

    2007 Contest Helper Scripts

    Over the last week I threw together a script & asset lists for the proposed 2007 Contest All assets used by Dustbowl, Granary, Gravelpit, Well (CP), 2Fort & Hydro (.csv format): Prop List: Material List...
  5. B!scuit

    Import .bsp props into Blender

    The update thread for the python script I made for how to import whole .vmf into blender? for now refer to the link for a more in detail release post. | bsp_import_props.blend (layer 3 is Mercenary Park props) | pl_upward.blend | bsp_import_props.vmf & bsp (test map)...
  6. ostrich

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Server remote control script tool 2017-02-12

    Well, I made a simple Text UI tool for server administrators. It is written by use of Source scripting possibilities only. As for now, menu has quite a few functions, but a lot of them can be added. This tool works by sending RCON commands to dedicated TF2 server and is controlled in-game with...