map not loading

  1. 4ussie

    Tf2 Won't load my map

    Every time I try to run a map everything works until it gets to loading the map, it just loads tf2 like it would if you started it through steam and nothing happens. I don't really know why this happens because all the run map options are default and that seems to work for everyone else. I'm new...
  2. RatsInYourWalls

    My map is apparently empty, even though the file size is 4879 kB

    So when I open my map in hammer, the entire map is empty, the file size hasn’t changed, the other maps seem to load just fine. I am really confused and worried right now. The VisGroups tab is also empty for some reason. I also can’t unhide objects. But I can add new entities and brushes
  3. D

    Hammer Keeps not responding when I run the map

    This only happens on 1 map and its the one I have been working on the map, does have a big open level area, since its not done yet, but when I go and run the map it loads for a bit and then when it gets to PortalFlow:.....0.......1.......2 it starts not responding, but it doesn't load TF2 up at...