
  1. dabmasterars

    point_clientcommand doesn't work with buttons (and other stuff)

    point_clientcommand executes the command successfully only when ENTERING triggers. Teleporting inside a trigger doesn't do anything. Pressing a button doesn't do anything. The command I'm using is "slot3" which is allowed to be executed via point_clientcommand.
  2. Afterburnist

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Green pyro drawing N/A

    First time participating in the Jam! It was fun
  3. So/\/ 0f A M0ther DucK

    How to use !activator in a Point_ServerCommand

    I want it in my map so when a player walks over a trigger box I can use the command sm_givew "playername" "weapon". Is there a way to pass the player name in this query?
  4. Simulacron

    Finding out a model name in game

    I know that you can find out the name of textures in game with the command mat_crosshair, but how can I find out a prop name? If I use prop_crosshair the consol says: hit prop "a number", but how do I use this information to find out which prop it is or am I using the wrong command?