
  1. Spipper

    Beerbowling b1

    A joke map that got out of hand: Experimental Passtime-KOTH hybrid in the same vein as ctf_redplanet set in the backyard of a dorm. The rules of beer bowling are simple: Teams compete in tipping over the enemy team's beer can with a football (the Jack): Upon being successful in this task, the...
  2. Ixy

    The Bonktini 2017-08-07

    I'm not sure why, but I created a Bonktini - a martini based on Bonk. I made it as if the Scout would make it, (i.e. cluelessly), so it's mostly cherry soda, cream soda & vodka (plus some pomegranate martini mix thrown in to get that irradiated red colour). I don't know if I'd recommend this...
  3. TehFocus

    Smooth Jazz [SFM] 2017-08-06

    A soldier, late at night in the bar, wondering about his life.