2d skybox texture

  1. adam2

    [Tutorial] Creating Custom 2D Skyboxes for Team Fortress 2 using Blender

    Introduction Welcome to my guide on how to create skyboxes for Team Fortress 2 (and other source games) using Blender as our method of creating the skybox! With this guide you can expect a step-by-step walkthrough on how to create both HDR and non-HDR skyboxes. The method used may be used for...
  2. Bingham

    Help creating 2d skybox texture from scratch

    I've been trying to make a skybox for the Frontline pack, but am having trouble converting the original image I drew in Photoshop into the separate VTF files for each side. https://prnt.sc/hi0xy3 (not the final thing) A tutorial I found here...
  3. TwashMan

    Can't get custom skybox texture to work (Finished)

    I was following a tutorial on the matter and it did not seem to work. Here is the tutorial https://tf2maps.net/threads/tutorial-the-complete-guide-to-implementing-custom-skybox-textures-and-env-lighting.5268/ Here is a "Tree" i made to show the files. In hammer i changed the skybox Texture...