

L12: Fabulous Member
Dec 10, 2008
CTF_Facade, a capture the flag map by Owlruler

This is my entry into the contest. Blu must destroy strategic red locations in order to advance and destroy the red's base.

This map has eplosions, and lots of them. It seems both TMP and I have had the same idea that everything has to end in an explosion.

Current Custom Content:
Shmitz - Intel Pedistal
Zpqrei - overlays

Change log:
a1s1 - initial release

a2s1 - changed the sky and added a new light_env
- added more cover in places like the final area and long tunnel
- hopefully prevented as much spawncamping as there was by sentries.
- added new route caused by the explosion
- made the spawn door non-flag holder only so now you can change
classes without dieing.
- added new supply locker outside the door in the blu spawn.
- move the health and ammo around a bit.

a3s1 - added new advanced spawnroom for blue to reduce feel of size.
- reduced spawn times.
- did a bit more detailing
- built cubemaps

a4s1 - Fixed the spawn times. (again)
- more detailing.
- more cover.
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Ancient Pyro Main
Aug 11, 2008
The explosions in this are much more anticlimactic than mine. They're there for show it seems :(


L12: Fabulous Member
Dec 10, 2008
The explosions in this are much more anticlimactic than mine. They're there for show it seems :(

Would you prefer I made them destroy a part of a wall or something to add a new acess route?


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
I suggest a custom model with attached explosives if the damn thing cause explosions like that!

In fact, I'll sketch a design later.


L12: Fabulous Member
Dec 10, 2008
gameday bump


L3: Member
Jul 12, 2008
I'm fairly certain you heard the main gripes, but just to reiterate;
  • It's extremely dark in the opening area, in fact, the whole map.
  • Blue's spawn is very easy to camp.
  • Extremely long sightlines in most of the map
  • Can't get back in Blue spawn
  • The first point is way too far away from Blue's spawn. In fact the whole map seems oversized. Scale it down a bit
  • Long spawns for blue

I think that's just about everything. Personally, I'd redesign a lot of the map from scratch because as it is it's too huge and I don't think scaling down will really work, or even make it the same map. Just remember to have more alternate routes and a lot more height variation. Keep it up :)


L12: Fabulous Member
Dec 10, 2008
Update, a2s1 is now out.
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L12: Fabulous Member
Dec 10, 2008
Update, a3s1 is now out

Tom Foolery

L1: Registered
Apr 13, 2009
My major problems with this map were the long blue spawn times and the big open areas. With a3s1 it looks like you've fixed the spawn times thing, but the open areas are still hard on blue. I'll want to test a3s1, though.


L2: Junior Member
Jun 17, 2009
Following up from Gameday Testing:

+ Nice Explosions: Really nice detailing of the brushes after the explosions, though it was strange to see the suitcase explode for no reason ;)

- Too open: It's an alpha, but even at this stage I feel there should be more geometry blocked out, otherwise you're left with big giant open spaces that don't really convey any personality or style.

- Too flat: Everything is basically on one plane. There should definitely be more verticality, including more spots for scouts, snipers, soldiers, etc to find interesting places to perch

- Spawn times: At least in the version we played, spawn timers seemed very off, especially for BLU.


L10: Glamorous Member
May 4, 2008
Alright, so here is what I got from running through it real quick.

So I want to start with the spawn, I love the work you did here, first I was like, wow this map is great. Looks good so far. And I think you succeded with the spawn because of the amount of corners you have, and the black brushes at the roof that goes along the walls. Great work! However, I think I'm missing some height in the spawn. I think if you made the actual spawn room where you spawn, higher then the level Im on in this picture, would make a great addon. It would look really awesome if you did so.


As I said, at first I thought the map would be this great the whole way, but then saw the outside. And now after I've seen the whole map, what I am about to mention is regarding the whole map basically.

The map is way to open, which has probably mentioned before. You seriously need to consider redoing most parts of the layout. The map is way to open and big, which snipers can take advantage of greatly. While classes like heavies are very under powered.

You cant see where I am standing, but im standing on one of the edges above the exists gates. This is not very good for blue, I mean, the area where Red defend from. But if you look on the picture, you can see how easy it is for red to just pick blue out like flies. I mean, there is no cover for blue, and when blue exits the spawn, they have Red shooting at them in the back.

Srsly, look at the picture, its just one big square for example heavies to shoot at. Its too easy for Red and to hard for Blue!
I think you should reconsider the design of the layout and defend+attack positions here.

Not much to say here, too dark, more light would do good.

Here comes two examples in the map on 'too big spaces'. First picture, as mentioned before, sniper is GOD! Well he is on the second picture too, especially on the second picture, but you get the idea what needs to change here.
More cover, and most importantly, PATHS. Paths through the buildings would be great. Cause then if a, for example, pyro comes around the corner, sees the sniper, and then knows that if he continues, he will be killed. So, he hides behind some cover (cover is what you need to add) and then decides to take a different path (a path through the building for example). The pyro survives to die another day.
But do you see how much better this is then a sniper that can see his enemies coming from miles away, he manage to kill them all. And the worst part is, that the whole team can go sniper and dominate the other team completly! Not good mate.

And this man. No, no, no. Think about it, I know its a easy solution, but if you want your map to be balanced, you gotta get rid of these loooooong paths. Atleast, atleast, make the path curved.

But I suggest to put something totally different here, to cover this whole area. Like maybe open it up and make it a outside dumping place or something. I dont know! Its your choice.

This is so hard to read. When I started to read it I just read about 2 lines then stopped and decided to tell you to do something about it before I continued reading the text :p

Also, I found this secret room. What is it for? Why does it have working doors? :O

So yeah, to sum it up.
Good map, its a decent start. But if you want it to turn out good, you better start re thinking the layout mate. Do it now before its too late. But I havent been on any gamedays trying this out so I cant be 100% if my crit is correct or not.

But I hope this helps, hope you've learned something :)


L12: Fabulous Member
Dec 10, 2008
Fear, The 'secret room' was the start of stage 2, didn't know it was there. But for the other things, thanks both to you, Fear, and you, Ten 19, I will definatly be modifying the corridors and open area for a4 which will take about a week. Also, I swear I fixed the spawn times but I guess I'll have to do that again. I don't know where I should put the height variations? On the control points? other places? should I make the buildings by the final control point acessable by engineers? Suggestions...