
Animus a8


L5: Dapper Member
Jan 6, 2008
Stop dying you cowards!

Oh and I agree with shmitz, adding bonus speed with killing would be very nice, although im not sure if you can set it up that way.


L1: Registered
Jun 13, 2009
Very cool idea. Now I need to know how deaths are detected. The first thing that comes to mind is a map-wide trigger_multiple for each team which has an OnEndTouch output, but that seems kind of messy.
Feb 14, 2008
It just sounds like the payloads are like kill counters in a deathmatch mode, sorta like the reducing rate of tickets in Battlefield 2.

I have to say, I'm not convinced, TF2 is objective-based, and when that objective is used as a kill-counter it just seems to be petty death match. A team will not lose if they stay inside their spawn, and I expect as much from teams that are losing.

The roof setup in the screenshot also looks very familiar, I'm sure I saw exactly the same thing in Borax.


L10: Glamorous Member
May 4, 2008
Your points can be correct. But I will not change anything until I've had some play testing first. :)
Apr 19, 2009
The only big problem I could see is that this map would be hard to play on servers that are bigger or smaller than what the mp as been built to hold. Lets just say that this was made for 24 people. The timing would work out perfectly. However, on a 32 player server the match would go much fast. Also vice versa on a 6v6, it would take to long.

Jive Turkey

L3: Member
Jan 22, 2008
In most gametypes gameplay is already very different between 16v16 and 6v6 matches, but you do kind of have a point there. Maybe some sort of system where cart speed is adjusted to the average rate of kills on the fly. That could not only speed up small matches, but also slow down matches of insane killing (think crits-only server on the extreme side) from ending too quickly. It would also serve to smooth out any sudden changes in team dynamics and might even be a way of handicapping the steamroll effect if you wanted to implement it based on per-team killing rate.

In any case, do you have some sort of graphical indication that the souls are being used as fuel? I'm too hungover at the moment to fully contemplate it, but is there some way you could move a graphic of some sort from where a player dies to the point of the cart so it looks as though the soul is being "fed" to the cart? Not only would that look cool, but it would add another layer of complexity to the cart's movement. When the cart were in hot-spots of lots of death, it would refuel much faster than when it was in more isolated areas. You'd have the effect that killing enemies near your cart would be more advantageous as their souls would reach it faster. Depending on the track layout, this could put the focus back on the cart somewhat.
Apr 19, 2009
Jive brigs up a good point about servers that are all crit/instant respawn. The carts would just fly though the level! There needs to be some kinda formula in place that would auto adjust to the number of kills per second and keep the carts from ending the round in a mater of seconds.

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
That would all be extraordinarily hard to do. You guys are also failing to understand the cart still has a max speed. and with respawn times, if you DO kill everyone, the cart will probably be stopped by the time they all respawn.

edit: crits only servers? 32 players? Honestly I couldn't give a damn how things play there. screw them.

Jive Turkey

L3: Member
Jan 22, 2008
I just said crits servers on the extreme side. And I wasn't saying taking care of them was a priority, I was just saying this would automatically handle those situations. And I don't see whats so "extraordinarily" difficult about finding the killing rate on a server. You have a math_counter, you have a logic_timer. I mean you built a rubik's cube for chrissake.

I wasn't poopooing the system as it is, as I haven't even played the map yet. Stop poopooing my innocent suggestions. There's too much poopoo going on!

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
The cube was simple, all it took was some clever thinking.
However what I said was directed at everything in your post. The ghosts, the scaling by players, the killing rate, all of it. A single speed modification is easy (the slow down when the enemy is near), but even two results in a mess of logic entities needed (we left out something we had talked about because of this). Any or all of the things you suggest about modifying the speed would in turn be enormously bigger logic nets to account for all the modifiers together, as well as more than on/off states of said modifiers.

and the edit about crits was in response to TPG thinking it was a good point about those servers. :p

Jive Turkey

L3: Member
Jan 22, 2008
Oh and I missed Jonah's idea about you still having to push the cart instead of it moving on its own. That's more interesting. Then the souls would just act as fuel. You'd basically deathmatch until you got your fuel level up to a desired point, then your objective would change to pushing the cart. Or you could even play with some contingent of your team sitting on the cart to push it whenever it has fuel, while the rest of your team is out trying to fill up the tank. And if you give the tank a finite storage space, then deathmatch would only make sense up to a certain point before you'd really want to concentrate on pushing again.

This would also mean at some point towards the end the game would devolve into straight up PLR. You'd have all the fuel you'd need to get to the end so you can then concentrate solely on pushing the cart, or if you're the other guy, preventing the full-tanked team from reaching their goal while you try to catch up.


L10: Glamorous Member
May 4, 2008
The soultrain!

Though half-way through this I realized you could do much fancier with just a model anyway:p

This, is awesome. So frecking awesome. Thanks alot mate. Im doing some adjustments and making it compatible with the death plr system. Great work on this, I would never have thought about something like it, and yet its so simple, ill try to get a video or some pics soon.

I added a dynamic light for it, but is that smart? or will it be a pain in the ass when compiling with the big map?

A Noobcake

L1: Registered
Jun 9, 2009
This is probably the coolest map-concept EVER! I can't wait to see it in action *drools on keyboard*