

L420: High Member
Feb 1, 2009
I was playing with grim last night on my server and I do agree with him. We had a lot of fun but even with two ubers dropping from the vents at the same time, it was difficult to cap E when there were 3-4 SGs and the majority of the Red team in the small cap room. It's really difficult to take down SGs at E because the room is sealed as in there is never a clear shot to any of the SGs without opening the door, immidiately telling the other team you are there.

I would rework the vents from D to E a little bit since it is kind of weird that the stairs just end at the top. Adding a fake door or something at the top would make it seem less akward, althogh vent to hallway to vent already seems kind of strange. Maybe make the first vent look more like a hallway that leads to the second vent.

Until we capped E and realized you didn't need C or D to cap it, no one had any idea. If you add a star on the hud on point E like they have in that one valve map it would make it less confusing since people are already familiar with that iconography.

As far as I remember, you can only get to E through D until you cap C and when you cap both, you can run straght to E. This isn't really broken but it might make more sense to force you to cap D before you can get to the vent. This would lock E until either C or D is capped, but might improve game play, especially if you made it a little easier to cap E.

All in all I have had a ton of great experiances on this map. We have pinned people at A before. B is really hard to defend, but it works to slow people down while others setup at C-D-E so it serves it's purpose. C and D are pretty balanced points to attack/defend. I look forward to future versions of this map.

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L5: Dapper Member
Nov 11, 2008
The map seemed a little lopsided to me, especially compared to how the HUD displays. It felt much more like a:
C - E - D
A - - B
than the
- - E - -
that displays.

Yeah in response to both you and captain, both of the issues with the point HUD structure, the setup and the 'openness' of E, were a product of me setting up my first CP map :p. I had left it assuming it couldn't be fixed, however I guess that ignorance has finally caught up with me.

I fully intended to have E directly on top as a third row, however when I tried it stacked OVER TOP of the other points, so I figured it was broken. I think throwing it in between C and D like you said, and adding a star as captain suggested like on steel (which is actually a custom map heh) would help people a lot.

E was supposed to be only become available after C or D was capped as you assumed, but again, I couldn't figure out how to specify in the entities that only ONE of the two is needed, without specifying only one that would unlock it, and the other not, if you know what I mean. If anyone can help me with the logic please do!

As for E, first to give you a bit of history, I added the circular doors before I added the Sentry platform in the back of E as it seemed impossible for Red to get setup after C and D were capped. Also, the door by Red spawn was to prevent Red from being able to literally walk out and start defending, although the irony is I DID want the final point to feel somewhat like Dustbowls final point. Do you think BOTH doors should be removed or just the one from C?

The vent was added in order to provide Blue with more incentive to capture D, as well as give them an alternate area to attack from. The room between vents will look much better and less confusing in later versions, assuming it continue to add to gameplay overall.

Phew, there's a mouthful :p

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
E was supposed to be only become available after C or D was capped as you assumed, but again, I couldn't figure out how to specify in the entities that only ONE of the two is needed, without specifying only one that would unlock it, and the other not, if you know what I mean. If anyone can help me with the logic please do!
I assume you currently have E set to require B? Set E to require itself (meaning no requirements).
On E's trigger_capture_area disallow blue from capping, so they can't cap it before A&B.
Then on C & D's t_c_a put in this:
OnEndCap|E's t_c_a|SetTeamCanCap|3 1
3 means blue, 1 means yes. (2 0 would be red cannot, etc)

Then E will only unlock after C or D is captured, and if they cap both the second output firing won't matter because it's only reiterating it's current state.
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L10: Glamorous Member
May 4, 2008
I played the first version of this map, I love the changes, keep it up.


L420: High Member
Feb 1, 2009
E was supposed to be only become available after C or D was capped as you assumed, but again, I couldn't figure out how to specify in the entities that only ONE of the two is needed, without specifying only one that would unlock it, and the other not, if you know what I mean. If anyone can help me with the logic please do!
In addition to the logic, I still think you should put a door at the vent to E from D that opens when D is capped to provent blue from getting to E without first having capped C or D. Right now it seems that we skip C and D for the most part, capping them only when we need more time to cap E.
As for E, first to give you a bit of history, I added the circular doors before I added the Sentry platform in the back of E as it seemed impossible for Red to get setup after C and D were capped.
It is almost impossible to get setup on E once C or D (especially C & D) are capped. I usually get in there when everyone is trying to protect B just so we don't get ninja capped.
Do you think BOTH doors should be removed or just the one from C?

Remove the door from C. The one that is right after Red Spawn is fine. With the door removed from C you should have a pretty good shot at removing the SGs from the SG platform or getting in there as a spy without being detected.

When we build SGs in there, we usually will put up to three on the computer console and one or two on the SG platform. This is when we are rolling 15 v 15 or something where we can afford to have 5 engies.


L5: Dapper Member
Nov 11, 2008
I'm going to debate with myself on the doors for a bit. As it stands the latest version removed both doors at E, however the more I think about it the more I still want the D-side door. Sentries cover the path regardless of having the door open and close.

As for closing off the vent until D is capped, I'll consider it, especially now that E is fixed (a big thank-you to Boojum as always!)

And Booj, I have one last entity problem for you (assuming I don't still have the problem at C you mentioned). How do I configure the game to display the Win message Blue successfully captured all the points, when they cap E early, as opposed to what is currently displaying (Blue successfully DEFENDED...)?


L2: Junior Member
Jan 28, 2009
its so fun to play maps and see them evolve!
I remember your first public play test and now look at it!


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 2, 2009
And Booj, I have one last entity problem for you (assuming I don't still have the problem at C you mentioned). How do I configure the game to display the Win message Blue successfully captured all the points, when they cap E early, as opposed to what is currently displaying (Blue successfully DEFENDED...)?

What if just prior to the win, you make capping E force a Owner switch of C & D to blu?


L5: Dapper Member
Nov 11, 2008
Aight, Version A9 is now available. I've addressed most of the issues discussed, and a big thanks to A Boojum Snark for all of the entity help he's provided to get my setup just right :D

Here's the changelog:
- Removed the round door connecting C and E
- Added a barrier to the D vent that requires D be captured before it can be access by Blue
- Added supports in the E lobby/staging area
- Fixed an issue where Red could not be recognized while standing on points with Blue
- Fixed the Blue Win message when Blue captures E early
- Rearranged the Capture Points HUD display, and locked E (Now marked with a Star)
- Added a few missing point_spotlights
- Added other small aesthetic details
- Added a few more signs where needed
- Begun Optimization (added Areaportals and began Hint placement)

Known issues:
- Some clipping issues may arise, PLEASE REPORT THEM!

Things to do:
- Finish final lighting
- Continue detailing
Aug 19, 2008
hm... dunno what to say
somehow i feel like i´ve just played 6 maps in one map, i didn´t get the vibe of one unifying red line between the CPs, everything looked to patchworked imho

friend of mine told me that the map reminded him more of HL: DM then the cartoonistic tf2 style, and i agree

i also got lost several times, not finding the CPs from spawn off, but traversing between the CPs

i think the map could be more compact than it is right now. at some, i.e. the garage, it seems like it´s too big for its purpose

here are some screens of things that looked very odd, probably you forgot to put them into the bsp



Sep 10, 2008
eerie, you need to update your drivers or something. Or maybe you alt-tabbed.

Whatever the problem is, it's not the map.


Sep 10, 2008
I used to get it occasionally on 2Fort, Lazytown, and Turbine.

It's been a while since I've seen anyone with that problem, I though Valve fixed it.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
It was hard for defending team to fall back once they lost a control point.
I can easily see this map having the same "problem" as steel (casual players gets lost and doesnt understand what's happening), but this map is even MORE complex. Since after B is capped you get 2 captures defend/attack (B&C, C&E, D&E or just E). The defenders are forced to regroup and try and to build a defence in the middle of the game (very hard), It works in gravel pit because of the setup time.

The tunnels in blue spawn are confusing, you don't get much visual feedback to differentiate the paths, the signs are helpful but it feels like a maze and when you turn a corner just to find more tunnels it can get frustrating (since you're attacking and have time pressure). You should find a way to atleast trick the players into feeling a sense of progress when moving around.

The final cap (E) had some issues, mainly the duct in the ceiling. It was easy to charge ubers up there, and when they were ready to go the attack could begin instantly. Defenders had no way to defend against this (cheap) tactic at all.

Also, maybe it was just me being blind or lost, but It felt like I was moving through alternative paths (almost) all the time. You should work on making some real main routes that the players naturally follow (game flow). Players eventually got to the destination, but it felt like everyone took different paths?


Sep 10, 2008
You need to reduce the filesize of the map.

Whether it be compressing your materials or increasing your lightmaps, something has to be done to reduce the ballooning filesize.


Jan 6, 2008
I dunno about the doors that lead to E. The big, round ones. Is it necessary to have them there (at least when E is open)? It's hard to attack the sentries in there when they're partially protected by doors.


L5: Dapper Member
Nov 11, 2008
Alright, to address the above posts:

@eerieone, I understand where you're coming from, and I supposed it'd the fault of my design method. I tend to design maps piece by piece as opposed to all at once, so it literally IS pieced together. While I don't agree with the patchwork idea, you are right, it isn't one "red line" as you say. I also design each area, or CP based around an alternate theme to try and keep things interesting (A=sewers, B=garage, C=Communications center, D=Missile Testing under constructions, E=Control Center), thus every area looks and feels different.

At the same time, I INTENDED for it not to be a linear experience but a more open one instead, and I think I've been reasonably successful doing so while allowing players to get around relatively easily (after a round or two of course heh).

I don't intend to scale down the map anymore at this point, as I haven't received complaints about the size since the later alphas, but if you have any suggestions I'm all ears. Same goes for sign-placement to help with the initial confusion.

@Icarus, I think it's too early to tell if the balance is off on the points, as a teams success still seems to be based on who knows the map best. If it is unbalanced though, how would you suggest I address the issue?

As for the map size, it's entirely because of the skin on the Semi-Truck model. If anyone knows how to compress it I'd be eternally grateful!

@Ravidge, I'm surprised you found the sewer tunnels confusing, as there really are only 3 parts to them. 2 for the A side tunnel and one to the B tunnel. And all of them are marked, plus you have 70 seconds to figure them out at setup time :p.

Defenders have a great way of defending against the Vent, just go around back of them and flush them out! It's no different than Blue's right tunnel, Dustbowl Stage 2. What about a Pyro to airblast them? Counter-uber? Get creative!

Again, the map is designed to be more open. No it's not the usual format, yes it's more confusing and not everyone will like it, but that's the price of creativity. I don't expect everyone to enjoy the open feel, but I can only hope some people do!

@MrMuffinMan, I don't know if you played the most recent version, but I removed the circular door between C and E for just that reason. It's hell for Red now, as they are vulnerable to Soldiers, Demos and Snipers now. I decided to leave the D > E door though, as Red's spawn is right there.


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 2, 2009
Defenders have a great way of defending against the Vent, just go around back of them and flush them out! It's no different than Blue's right tunnel, Dustbowl Stage 2. What about a Pyro to airblast them? Counter-uber? Get creative!

Very wrong (not that I don't see where you're coming from). The right tunnel in DB opens to an attack route, not to the point itself. A slight distinction, but in DB airblast + sentries can make sure the uber coming through that attack route doesn't get anywhere near the point.