Advanced compile options


L3: Member
Dec 19, 2007
When I "run map" with normal options, the output box tells me about areaportal errors that have occurred, and which brush caused it. However, I can't seem to find a flag to enable this output from VBSP in the advanced/expert window, and I'd like to have this info along with some other parameter flags I've been testing out.

I checked the parameter list for VBSP and VVIS, but the output I'm looking for is actually coming from VBSP, and takes the form of "Brush 572915: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas."

I'm basically trying to achieve the same compile settings and output in expert mode that I get using the "normal" menu. Any ideas?


L3: Member
Dec 10, 2008
Make sure your areaportals doesn't leak. If vbsp says something like that, load pointfile and make sure that areaportals are sealed. If your areaportals 2 faces "touches" your each other, its a leak. Make sure they won't leak.


L3: Member
Dec 19, 2007
Right, I have no problem finding the brush when it tells me which one is leaking, but when I compile with advanced options rather than normal, it doesn't give me that information. I'd like to know how to make it do that.


L3: Member
Dec 19, 2007
Instead of making a new thread, I'm just going to ask here. What do you guys use for quick builds vs final release builds when compiling using "expert" mode? I'm going through the list of parameters for vbsp etc to see what will help me out, but I'm curious about the settings others use.