Request: Gear Shaped Door and Frame


Blu Hatte, Greyscale Backdrop.
Dec 28, 2008
I need a stunning door that will be for the outside of REDs base. So when point A is captured it opens, as if BLU are infiltrating REDs base. I will be adding sirens and flashy lights later (A moving spotlight if I can (I am going to look further into this)) Anyhoo the height and width of the door with the frame should be 320 x 320 in hammer units, the door should roll into the side (There is a space of 320+ to either side so it doesnt matter what way) The inside of the base will be heavily spytech themed so anything to do with that would be excellent.

I want a door like the one aroun 45 seconds in here: You dont need the bars on the outside to open, but you can if you want :p

[ame=""]YouTube - The Stolen Earth from Torchwood perspective[/ame]

Thanks and much love for anyone who wants to do this.



L6: Sharp Member
May 28, 2008
81 this a Fallout map? :|

You could try making a brush-based one, it shouldn't be too bad. If you want I could give it a shot a bit later on in the day.


Blu Hatte, Greyscale Backdrop.
Dec 28, 2008
Doctor who > Torchwood.

But coincedently i need one also, so i'll try to make it.

Exsqueeze me? Doctro Who is better plot-wise but you can't help but love the gore that comes into Torchwood. Compared to the kid-friendly Doctor Who.



L10: Glamorous Member
Mar 20, 2008
nvm, just tried to model with my broken thumb = impossible.

Doctor Who is better, on all fronts :p