[WIP] cp_sketch


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Sketch is a working title.

If you want to avoid reading my chicken scratch, here's the rundown of the basics for this project:

Game play: 4 point, cp_gravelpit/cp_steel

Style: I'll be working with making textures from purely either real pencil (graphite) on paper, or entirely using tablet drawn sketches. Which, I haven't decided yet--but either way, the base textures will be modified in photoshop.

To further that, the architecture will be based loosely on the paintings of Georgio de Chirico (see images below)--mostly his renderings of towers.

Each capture point will have it's own unique tower that will do something dramatic when captured. Right now, I'd like to towers to explode when captured, and I have a few ideas in mind as to how to make that work, but we'll see as things go. In the sketches I mention tesla coils and using connective env_beam, but I'm not sure I'll go for that sort of thing.

Now for the preliminary sketches:

This is the rough layout for the project, here I've outlined the goals, game play type, as well as # of caps, and style.

Here's a more in-depth page about the color palette (may change slightly) and some toying around with how I'd like the control points to look. More recently I've decided the CP's will be similar to de Chirico's paintings. Also on this page is a rough outline for making a homemade directional arrow that will be simultaneously integrated in to the map and the style (crosses fingers).

This page contains the more specific information about the map layout. I've come to the conclusion that I'd like 4 points, A will be unlocked--B, C, D, will be locked. As soon as A is taken, B, C, and D will unlock. Naturally, the blu team will need to take D to win, but the pathway to D is strictly limited. Capturing B and C will give right and left access to D, as well as seal off some areas that red previously owned, and to top that all off, more time to complete the objectives. More to come later when I have finished working out the specifics of each area of the map. On the left of the page are some working ideas for spawn doors that I'd really like to implement, but I could be limited in terms of my technical skill. Who knows.

On this page,f I've dedicated the visual power of the map to creating de Chirico-like towers as strongholds for each CP in the map. Lower on the page is some basic ideas of how each area o the map should behave stylistically. It's my intention to make each area feel specifically different, but comprehensive. More to come about those specific decisions as I work them out.

And for those who are interested, here are a few images of Georgio de Chirico's work, specifically the landscape/architectural things I'm interested in. He was a surrealist and worked with the best of them--I'd like this map to feel a little less surreal however.

Check de Chirico on Wiki





And atm, there's nothing done in hammer at all, but I figured I'd post up what I'm thinking so I can mull over the details later. Plus, I've got zig to worry about for a while, some more major changes going on in that department. That's it for now, more to come later.


L9: Fashionable Member
Sep 20, 2008
I like how you take a custom style for all of your maps :)

Is there a way to increase the contrast in tf, because that will probably make it look a lot more like chirico :)


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 15, 2008
Man you're probably my favourite mapper.


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Is there a way to increase the contrast in tf, because that will probably make it look a lot more like chirico :)

I'm sure with the right tweaking of color correction, one could get enough contrast out of the map.

I won't open hammer yet. At least not for a while. Classes were canceled today on account of the weather, so I have some good free time to start thinking more about layout. But first I need to spend some time studying gravelpit and steel indepth.
Last edited:
Sep 12, 2008
Hey Rexy,
this looks like it could turn out wonderful, and I'm happy to see I've got the right sketchbook - the same one :p And also it's really interesting to see how other mappers start their new map. I hope you'll make something nice of this!



The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Some more images of concept of the point layout in detail:

Control Point A

I'd like to drastically modify the elevation in this map, a major turn off in Zig is the flat layout. There's very little vertical direction, and that's something that can add a lot of dynamic space to a map.

Control Point B

This section is the one I'm least sure about, we'll see how much the finished product varies from this one. Also on the right is the basics of the middle (main) pathway to D. The access through here will be limited until B and C are captured. Capturing B and C will open up left and right pathways, respectively.

Control Point C

Keeping in mind that B and C should be as equal in difficulty to capture, I'll make sure to design this with each team in mind. As well, an adequate amount of time will be useful for balancing purposes. I'm still working on an underground section for this control point, but if I'll still need it, I'm not sure. It could unbalance B and C.

Control Point D

This point is going to be the most difficult to design because of the major disadvantages Red will have after B and C are captured. Pathways will close off, and others open up, making it easier for Blu to take. Keep in mind, however, that D can be taken at any point in the game, such is the case with maps like cp_steel. Certain "tricks' are going to be implemented, such as moving bridges, pits to filter out player classes and such. We'll see how things play out.

More later.