Contest #50: Rule of Threes [MINOR CONTEST] [RESULTS]


Feb 7, 2008

Main Thread | Microcontest Thread
Minor Contest: Uploads | Voting | Results
Major Contest: Uploads | Voting | Results

1st Place: Rumford
by @nesman

2nd Place: Altitude
by @Defcon

3rd Place: Mache
by @Mâché
Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated! While the final scores for this contest trended on the low end, that's just the nature of minor contests - some maps aren't worth continuing, and others have potential but have a ways to go. With about four months remaining to continue developing these maps for the major contest*, I'm optimistic that we'll have a pretty solid map pool when all is said and done. Onwards and upwards!

*You can still participate in the major contest even if you didn't participate in the minor contest.

1st | Rumford | 4.02
2nd | Altitude | 3.82
3rd | Mache | 3.78
4th | Affront | 3.1462
5th | Ibex2021 | 3.1458
6th | Mot | 3.07
7th | Cinders | 2.66
8th | Gridiron | 2.63
9th | Gratuite | 2.620
10th | ro3md | 2.615
11th | Pullsnake | 2.40
12th | Dayspring | 2.13
13th | Watergarden | 1.85
14th | 3flags | 1.19
15th | Chestnut Woods | 1.13
16th | Arrival | 1.11
17th | Gushdown | 1.06
18th (Tie) | Crawdad | 1.00
18th (Tie) | Kennecott | 1.00

Full results on Google Sheets. Two ballots were not used because they did not meet the minimum required votes to count.

Winners, I will contact you soon about prizes.
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L2: Junior Member
Nov 22, 2020
Cocrats and well done to everyone building, and honestly, I thought my map was going to be lower then 15 XD

Punn Ames Ardum

L1: Registered
Jan 16, 2021
Wow congrats to the winners (and everyone else who entered their wonderful maps of course)! Wonderful maps, from wonderful people :]