How can you add Tf2 detail sprites to blend textures without that enabled.


L1: Registered
May 24, 2020
I was wondering if it was possible to give an existing blend texture the ability to have detail sprites generate on top of them. I know how they function and which textures they work for but there is a blend texture that fits better than anything else for a map I'm making but it doesn't have any detail sprites. I was wondering if anyone knows how to either get detail sprites such as detail_sawmill.vbsp onto other blends like blendgrasstograss001/002 which is what I'm using. I assume there is no button to add them or something that simple and that's why I'm assuming I would have to extract the textures from tf2_textures_dir.vpk and create a custom blend. I know how to do all that but I don't know how to give it a detail sprite from tf2 and I cant find any information elsewhere. any info on programs to modify blend textures and give them detail sprites or how to give a custom/existing blend a detail sprite would be useful as I am quite lost :/


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
To edit a material VMT to have detail sprites on it, you'd do the following:
- extract the material blend VMT (e.g. blendgrasstograss001) from tf2_misc_dir.vpk to a directory
- add the following line to the end:
"%detailtype" "<detailtype name>"
For the sawmill grass you'll want to replace "<detailtype name>" with "tf_forest_grass", if you'd like to use others I'd recommend seeing what the respective blend VMT has set as its %detailtype.

Don't forget to change the map properties detailsprite vbsp and path too.