
VSH submundo a7


L1: Registered
Jul 27, 2018
submundo - Based on the map "submundo" from the game Rakion.

Based on the map "submundo" from the game Rakion, it's a small enclosed platform with 3 levels and a moderate use of portals. Designed exclusively for versussaxtonhale mode. Also it is my first map completed.

Started with a similar layout of the original map, were the only playable area was a squared platform with an elevated surface in the middle, a lower level filled with lava and used for portal placements, and an unconnected upper level that had no gameplay impact. Then I added a path to the third level and scaled height and width for easier navigation. And that was it.

This is the a1 version, on future versions I'll add convenient changes with users' feedback. Contact me via steam for direct suggestions on my map. For the next version I'll try adding custom textures to better set the atmosphere.

Special thanks to TF2maps' Discord server for helping me with hammer.


L1: Registered
Jul 27, 2018
The map's first update has been arrived, the new changes are as follows:
HD and ammo spawns slightly relocated
portal floor/lava pit raised, closer to the middle ground
Some geometry changes:
-Corners opened to the lava pit
-Sidewalls carved for more ground
-Platform in the middle has been lifted and now connects to the pilar
-Minor changes to end of stairs and ramps from both spawns
Added blood overlays on teleport destinations
Tele destinations now face the center of the map

This info can be seen ingame on the banner over blue spawn.

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L1: Registered
Jul 27, 2018
The third update arrived, and it's very close to enter a beta phase. I am proud of the changes made and I hope y'all too. I'd appreciate comments on what you feel it needs to change gameplay wise. So, here's a list of the changes:

  • Layout changes and geometry additions for gameplay
  • Introduced non-dev textures to key parts of the map
  • Dimmed general light spots that were too bright
  • Teleport destinations spots are now glowier
  • Placeholder teleport warp models added
  • Hale spawn area relocated to a less exposed room under previous spawn location
  • New red spawn area added on red upper side
  • Whole upper level widened and lowered
  • Removed trigger hurt on torches from pillars
  • Props added in secret room
With this, I now rest for New Year's eve.

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L1: Registered
Jul 27, 2018
Most notable changes:
Added custom textures
Carved some more room to the sides
Visibility: Lights located more uniformly
Re scaling some stuff
Minor layout changes
Ammo/hp packs changed

Expect more custom textures, it's getting closer to an actual b1

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L1: Registered
Jul 27, 2018
corner platforms connected, many hp and ammo packs relocated, massive light changes for better set the atmosphere, more custom textures, improved portal area, opened the sides behind triangular pillars, changed positions of both red and blu spawns for better timings.

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L1: Registered
Jul 27, 2018
added more custom textures
props, and clipping around some props
some sniper perch spots
underground ramps push stalling hales after a few seconds
flank routes segmented and more exposed in the middle
bridges connecting corner platforms removed

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