CTF overhaul: suggestions?


L2: Junior Member
Aug 7, 2017
Howdy pardners! I'm making a new map, but it's only in the design stages currently. I'm trying to put a bit of a twist on the normal mechanics of ctf, by having the intel stored in a different place than it's dropped off. Additionally, to prevent stalling the game, the intelligences can be picked up by anyone, so that if someone on that team elects to bring it back to their own intel (or somewhere else, for 60 seconds) then they can. This would prevent the 2fort "entire team huddles around their intel under their spawn" that grinds the game to a halt.

In context of the map, this is because the goal is to get the intel to a truck that speeds off, but other justifications could be offered. I'm thinking of calling it ctf_schism (since the capture point isn't with the intel). The gameplay space would look something like this:
│Intel  │  RED BASE     ║     BLU BASE  │Intel  │
│Storage│         ?Strife Tube?         │Storage│
├───────┘     ╔═════════╩═════════╗     └───────┤
├──╨──┐       ║                   ║       ┌──╨──┤
│RED  ╞═      ║     MIDFIGHT!     ║      ═╡  BLU│
│SPAWN╞═      ║                   ║      ═╡SPAWN│
├──╥──┘       ║                   ║       └──╥──┤
│═════════════╝                   ╚═════════════│
│Intel  │ Undefined distance from other │Intel  │
Thoughts? I'm taking other suggestions to make it more fun than ctf normally is, though still recognizably tf2ctf :0

Additionally: I've been messing with the ctf logic and can't actually figure out how to let friendly players pick up their own intel without breaking something :? Any advice on that?
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[Rx.] Christian Troy

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 23, 2017
It's kinda hard to tell from that layout pic but, are players from the other team(s) able to kill players who are carrying the flag all the way to the point of capping it? In some maps there are players who like to grief everyone by holding onto the flag and never capping it due to the other team not being able to reach them. Is there more than one way to pick up the flag and more than one way into the drop off? That way engineers cannot camp either one.

I do like the part of that layout where both teams have to pass by both spawns going either way with the flag.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
If you want to use monospace type you'll need to put it in code tags.

│Intel  │  RED BASE     ║     BLU BASE  │Intel  │
│Storage│         ?Strife Tube?         │Storage│
├───────┘     ╔═════════╩═════════╗     └───────┤
├──╨──┐       ║                   ║       ┌──╨──┤
│RED  ╞═      ║     MIDFIGHT!     ║      ═╡  BLU│
│SPAWN╞═      ║                   ║      ═╡SPAWN│
├──╥──┘       ║                   ║       └──╥──┤
│═════════════╝                   ╚═════════════│
│Intel  │ Undefined distance from other │Intel  │

As far as putting the cap zone and pickup area in separate rooms, the original Team Fortress did that. In 2fort the capture zone was on the balcony. I don't know why they changed it. Personally if I were to reimaging the mode, I'd make the whole base the capture zone. Since 90% of the time, carrying it through the homestretch is just padding for time, and the other 10%, you fail at the last second because the enemy managed to camp your intel room.


L2: Junior Member
Aug 7, 2017
It's kinda hard to tell from that layout pic but, are players from the other team(s) able to kill players who are carrying the flag all the way to the point of capping it? In some maps there are players who like to grief everyone by holding onto the flag and never capping it due to the other team not being able to reach them. Is there more than one way to pick up the flag and more than one way into the drop off? That way engineers cannot camp either one.

I do like the part of that layout where both teams have to pass by both spawns going either way with the flag.

And they ought to be able to, if I'm understanding you correctly :0! I've been on 2fort servers where a random player from the blu team will run the red intel back into the red base to keep the server from resetting, so I think that's more of a people-problem hahaha. I don't think there's really a way I can completely fix a determined griefer. There ought to be more than one way! I plan on adding both multiple halls and air ducts like turbine to make super-defensive playstyles weaker.

If you want to use monospace type you'll need to put it in code tags.

│Intel  │  RED BASE     ║     BLU BASE  │Intel  │
│Storage│         ?Strife Tube?         │Storage│
├───────┘     ╔═════════╩═════════╗     └───────┤
├──╨──┐       ║                   ║       ┌──╨──┤
│RED  ╞═      ║     MIDFIGHT!     ║      ═╡  BLU│
│SPAWN╞═      ║                   ║      ═╡SPAWN│
├──╥──┘       ║                   ║       └──╥──┤
│═════════════╝                   ╚═════════════│
│Intel  │ Undefined distance from other │Intel  │

As far as putting the cap zone and pickup area in separate rooms, the original Team Fortress did that. In 2fort the capture zone was on the balcony. I don't know why they changed it. Personally if I were to reimaging the mode, I'd make the whole base the capture zone. Since 90% of the time, carrying it through the homestretch is just padding for time, and the other 10%, you fail at the last second because the enemy managed to camp your intel room.

hgblhlbg thank you, I was actually planning on putting it in code brackets but I could't find a button for it on the post editor hahaha. And yeah I've actually thought about that :0 See, the cap point, as I've imagined it, is like a road that travels along the side of both bases, and it really easy to get into for both teams, so that it becomes a flank route into the enemy base, and not so far into the base that it takes forever to cap.

Anyone know how to make the flag able to be picked up by both teams? I'm terrified of breaking something whenever I mess around with the code to much hahaha
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L2: Junior Member
Aug 7, 2017
Anybody got advice on that last part :0? Intel able to be picked up by anyone? I can't figure it out (without each team being able to cap their own intel haha)


Feb 7, 2008
There's a technique by which you can use AddOutput to set the targetname of a player, which can then be filtered by a trigger. I haven't tested it myself, but I think you may be able to use this to only allow each flag to be captured in a certain zone.


L2: Junior Member
Aug 7, 2017
There's a technique by which you can use AddOutput to set the targetname of a player, which can then be filtered by a trigger. I haven't tested it myself, but I think you may be able to use this to only allow each flag to be captured in a certain zone.
I see :0! I'll definitely look into that