Having trouble packing custom textures w/ VIDE


L1: Registered
Nov 4, 2017
Hi. I'm currently having some trouble packing two custom textures into a .bsp file for distribution.

I'm using VIDE to pack them, and following Tophatwaffle's guide, seemingly did so successfully. However, when I go in game to test, the textures just fail to appear. The file size increases post-pack as it should, and no errors occur. I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

Hammer displays things properly,

VIDE packs the textures up (those being sansundertale, shubtbh),

aaaaaand errors, agh.

My only guess as to what the problem could have been was that I had the custom textures in custom/my_custom_stuff/materials, and VIDE wasn't finding those. I figured I botched the manual install that I tried, so I tried moving them to just tf/materials instead, since VIDE could locate them automatically. Neither worked, and I'm pretty dumb when it comes to all this, so I'm not sure what else to try.

As a side note, I should probably mention that when I already have the textures in my tf folder, they appear in game just fine. The problem occurs when I try giving the map to a friend, or testing it after renaming my materials folder, like Tophat's guide suggested. It's 100% a problem with the packing.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you!


Mar 30, 2014
Repacking should not break embeded textures.

I'm not sure what went wrong. I would try

1. starting over with a new texture placed in tf/materials (maybe its still trying to reach custom for some reason)

2. try compiling with compile-pal or another tool


L1: Registered
Nov 4, 2017
I tried both new textures and compile-pal, and I can't seem to get either to pack correctly. It's for sure the packing process that I'm mucking up somehow, as the textures appear fine in game -if- they're already on my PC. I understand that's the purpose of compiling though lol

Since I'm not sure really where I'm going wrong, I just recorded myself trying to create, import, apply, and pack a custom texture. As you can see, it doesn't end up appearing in game, even though compile-pal says it was added.

I also tried using compile-pal's "publish" function with everything checked, but that didn't work either.

I've read over a bunch of help threads for problems like this and tried a ton of stuff, including packing with VIDE, having the textures in materials and custom/my_custom_stuff/materials (not at the same time, ofc), but I just can't seem to get the compile to work properly no matter what I do :confused:. I feel like I'm missing something really simple and obvious but I have no idea.


Mar 30, 2014
Nothing obvious stands out to me from the recording.
Some other possibilities.

1. is the packing being applied to the map you are loading in tf2 or a separate file? (maybe compile pal packs to a copy and you are loading the unpacked version ? ). Also check to make sure the map filesize goes up after packing. (or open the bsp in vide after packing to see if the asset shows up)

2. are there any errors in TF2's console ?

3. Do you somehow have tf2 setup to block custom content (I don't think TF2 is capable of blocking map embedded content, but just to be sure check your multiplayer settings.)


L1: Registered
Nov 4, 2017
Thanks a ton for the responses. I really appreciate your time.

Nothing out of the ordinary in the world of errors;

VIDE is showing the files packed correctly (those being okhandsign.vmt/vtf);

I double checked to make sure everything was allowed in multiplayer settings, and it's all clear.

I've tried giving the bsp to a friend as well, and the textures don't show up for him either. I guess I'll give PakRat another go, even though it really didn't work last time, and if that doesn't work, I'm not really sure.

Again, thanks for the responses, I really appreciate them. If this turns out to be a weird hyper-specific problem, then I'll just drop custom textures for now. Don't want to waste anyone's time with a wild goose chase, lol

EDIT: PakRat worked flawlessly. No idea why it did and VIDE/compile-pal didn't. Breakdown for anyone else with a similar problem who may need help below.

A lot of threads I read to try and find a solution said that textures should always go in the custom folder, and so I was putting my stuff there. However, the normal tf/materials folder works absolutely fine, even though a lot of guides I read said it didn't. I don't know why. PakRat couldn't find my custom folder, so I tried my textures in tf/materials instead, re-ran the map, packed with PakRat, and.. that.... just kinda... worked? Like without any problems or complications? I just followed the Usage guide on this page and yeah, no probs. At all. I wish that I had tried that sooner (I was avoiding trying since the last time I tried the program wasn't working at all, a la instantly closing upon startup). I was able to give my friend the map alone and the textures appeared flawlessly, so yeah, things are all peachy. Cool beans.

Thanks again for the help.
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Mar 30, 2014
I never ever put materials in custom, so idk why people are telling you that.

Anyways glad you got it working.