[REQUEST] 2:1 Pine Trees


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
I know, picky little bugger, aren't I?

Anyways, 2:1 Pines. In other words, boost the size of the current ones by 2.

I'm sketching out more sawmill layouts, and I wanted to make a path going alongside (and partially on) some tall Pines. Think... "treehouse". Problem is, I don't like the size of the current Pines for use like that. They're all the same height, which would make the horizon view of the pines really flat if on the "treehouse path". I know, I can raise the models, make displacements, but I'm planning the beginning of the stream which goes into another mill, and on the other side of that, begins the 3D skybox. So, I can't raise terrain or models without ruining view of the stream from above the treeline. Also, it'd be nice additions to player areas, having variance in the trees make the area less repetitive.

I'm sure it would look nice to have a few old, large pines, then into smaller, younger pines. Like real, living nature.

In return, I will add an overlay request (from the modeler) to my to-do list.


L10: Glamorous Member
Apr 12, 2008
You're fine with just an exact doubling (scaling) of the trees from what they are now? If so, I've still got the files I used to make the 1:16 trees, it'd just be a matter of messing with the .qc file some.


L10: Glamorous Member
Apr 12, 2008
Yep, that's all I did. I still had the files from making the 1/16th models, so it was just a matter of editing the scale and name in the qc file.