Greetings and Salutations


L1: Registered
Mar 8, 2017
After watching Crash's tutorial videos, I thought I would give map making a go. Starting with a koth, which was inspired by landfall and slightly inspired by 2fort.

I made a moat because I love pyrosharking. This includes an underwater tunnel.

I am quite happy with this building which provides a spot for snipers and spies to play nice. I have added lights to these rooms since the pic was taken.

I also had trimping in mind. This was a pain to figure out, but now I can charge off the rock and right on to the point.

I look forward to being a part of this map making community.
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L3: Member
Jan 20, 2017
Are your images TGA or PNG?

If it TGA, then there 2 options:

1. Go to a Image editor and convert to PNG or go to a image converter website like

2. Go to TF2, then access the console by press "," (unless you binded a different to console.) then type "bind F5 PNG" then enter your map, then take new pictures.
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L3: Member
Jan 20, 2017
jpeg is fine, TGA is not compatible (i think) on TF2maps.

Did you upload the image probably? Waitng for the image to upload, then press Thumbnail or Full Image?


Jun 15, 2013
You uploaded your image incorrectly, the image URL is for images on file hosters, like Imgur. Use the upload feature in "More Options..." to upload directly to TF2Maps.


L1: Registered
Mar 8, 2017

Oh, I used the "image" button at the top telling me to manually type in the image url, and not the upload file button below.


L1: Registered
Mar 8, 2017
Thanks, I'm trying to follow the "viaduct model". I was thinking of having the CP be on a tree stump, the map is called Tree Stump btw, but now I am thinking of making it stoney like that mayan pack, if I can get it to work. Maybe both. I also need a way to block off that huge sightline underneath the bridge.


qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
Firstly: your map seems to be a bit overscaled. Look at official maps for reference on sizes of areas.

Secondly: interiors of the buildings look very dark. Keep any areas players can access well-lit. It is hard to differentiate team colors in dark or strangely lit places.

And thirdly: your map suffers from what I call "a box with stuff" syndrome, very common in first maps. This makes for a rather uninspiring experience when playing on your map, and creates quite a few issues down the line.

When you're building your maps try to avoid simply making a hollow box and putting stuff in. Build your map area by area instead.

And lastly: welcome!


L1: Registered
Mar 8, 2017
Alligator, I appreciate your critiques. As I said, I have added lighting since the pic was taken. Could you also elaborate what you by overscaled? Because it is smaller than viaduct. Heavy can run accross the map pretty quickly. Could it be that the sight lines are too long?
I'll try to create more section by section in the future.


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Welcome, Diddybot.

I don't think Alligator means that your map is larger than a typical KoTH map when they say it's overscaled. What they probably mean is that the distances, widths and general dimensions of play areas are commonly too large. Much of your outdoors space is visible from all over the map. This is bad for several reasons:
  • The number of angles that a player can be attacked from could be overwhelming. Players have a lot to focus on during a match, so it's best to limit the number of locations they need to look at for enemies so they have time to think about other things.
  • Close and medium-range classes like spies, pyros, heavies, medics and engineers are exposed quite a lot, making easy pickings for snipers, soldiers and demomen.
  • The mapper should keep in mind the amount of detail the player's computer will need to render wherever they stand. Unlike modern game engines, Source still renders objects that the player can't see in their POV (what is on-screen).
Splitting areas up in to sections using large walls and structures, buildings and rooms, hills, bends and angles naturally takes care of these problems, as well as providing a good variety of routes and architecture for each class.

One of the rules of thumb I give to people struggling with layout design is this: Try to provide at least three routes to an objective. Two of them should be main thoroughfares, one being a medium-width space, the other being a wider space. The third route should be a discreet flank. They shouldn't be visible and freely-accessible to each other most of the time. The aim is to provide a route for each of three general class types: Standard, Roamers (scouts, soldiers, demos) and Ambushers (pyros, spies). Run through your map using each of the nine classes, pretending you are in combat sometimes, and pay attention to how you feel and any difficulties you anticipate.