
KotH Lazarus RC4

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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Lazarus - An old friend brought back from the dead after 5 years in the dirt and given a clean new suit.

It's alive!

Using the Stage 1 layout from the infamous multi-KOTH map, Tachyon - Lazarus repurposes what once was to create a new King of the Hill map using the 90-degree symmetry formula. Set to be an entrant to the Jungle Theme, Lazarus will revolve around a tropical spytech island base with one end dropping off a cliff and the other digging into the sides of a dormant volcano. Though it lacks the multi-stage gimmick from its predecessor, I hope Lazarus can rise from the ashes to become its own triumph!

Alpha 1 - 12/3/2016


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Who's ready for another round of blitzkrieg alpha testing? Me! It's me! I know not how to stop! Here's what changed:

- Fixed sets of security fences not being clipped.
- Fixed collisions on handrails.
- Fixed clipping on doorways so players no longer get caught on the sides.
- Changed up roof at the overlook to let in more natural light.
- Adjusted far route to mid to kill a sightline that went across from yard to yard.
- Fixed a displacement seam at mid.

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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
I'm gonna put this here for others to discuss and contemplate with me while I try and sleep on the idea - do I dare bring back the multi-KOTH mechanic from the original Tachyon and implement 2 more stages? Each stage would have somewhat similar layouts with their own unique implementations to vary the gameplay.

Diva Dan

Mar 20, 2016
I'd love to see it, I think it works well in Overwatch. It lets you keep the layouts of each stage simple while still having an interesting experience. Plus, it's fun and different, which this game could benefit from :)


L1: Registered
Nov 24, 2016
After playing Overwatch, I did think it'd be nice to see the multi-KOTH idea in TF2. Could be a lot of fun!


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Here's your daily alpha of Lazarus! Here's what's changed:

- Made it clearer that the death pit is in fact a death pit.
- Added soundscapes.
- Fixed players being able to stand on the rocks in the death pit.
- Added signage to each of the respective routes.
- Made back of the mid building flat instead of convex.
- Changed high route to mid cut a sightline through the yards.
- Changed skybox texture.

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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
This one's a doozy! Here's what's changed!

- Added Stages 2 and 3. Lazarus now runs on a multi-KOTH gamemode where teams fight across 3 different stages. Winning either of the first two stages grant the teams advantages in the final stage that decides the victor of the round.
- Added additional signage to Stage 1.
- Opened up mid at Stage 1.
- Added secondary bridges from the high route at mid at Stage 1.
- Simplified a handful of corridors in Stage 1 to make them less claustrophobic and doorway reliant.
- Reduced capture time to 10 seconds.

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Diva Dan

Mar 20, 2016
Stage 3 is really cool, so many routes without being confusing! It's huge, too. stage 2 is a cool mix of both. The advantages for winning earlier stages are also very interesting. I like all of the drop-downs you have in every stage as well. For stage 1 and 2 though I'd give their spawn some sort of height like in viaduct so it's harder to spawn camp, especially on stage one where there is considerable height very close to the spawn. stage 3 has a similar situation, but I don't think there's an issue because it's a bit of a distance (and there is a route below). There is also a very small gap that can be exploited by good snipers on stage 1- you could fix it by just making the doorway i'm standing in a little narrower. If you care. It's not a big issue at all!

Very good job, it looks great :)


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
i recognized what this was a revival of from the thumbnail

feeling old


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
In case you were unclear about my feedback comment...


Stage three. The sightlines are so long that people can hide behind the far clipping plane. Or maybe it's just that the clipping plane is too close; that doesn't seem too far away to me.


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Rollback! Big changes to make it its own strong single-stage KOTH map so that I can pursue the original idea behind it all. Here's what changed.

- Removed the multi-stage gimmick and removed Stages 2 and 3. It's better this way.
- Rehauled mid to have a lower capture point focused near the cliff and changes to routes to reflect the new design.
- Removed underground mid routes.
- Revised behind-the-mid routes.
- Widened yard areas to be less claustrophobic, along with the area outside of spawn.
- Added full ammo to either side on the decks at mid.
- Moved full health up to the sacrificial pedestal overlooking mid.

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L12: Pro-crastinator
Mar 28, 2014
Are you going to give it a pre-round HUD like Hydro had where it shows where the next battle is being taken place and if it's a round where the teams are either fighting for a new point, attacking for a point or defending for the point?

I think it would just add a really nice tournament feel to the map, as that's something I loved about Hydro that never really carried over into many of TF2's other game-modes.

Re: Oh R.I.P. you made it single stage. I have to say though, I think the multi-stage idea as 'gimmicky' as it could be, would really just benefit the KOTH game-mode. I never liked KOTH until I played Overwatch because of the simple gimmick.


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Back to my old tricks of daily releases! Here's what changed!

- Changed full health kit to medium.
- Fixed displacement seams.
- Opened up sides of mid.
- Widened back routes to mid.
- Fixed some erroneous soundscapes.
- Removed buffer zone between spawn and yards - spawn now immediately exits out to the yards.
- Added small health alongside small ammo in far side paths to mid.
- Added welcome point.
- Swapped some skins on signs to better reflect their respective routes.

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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Small changelog, moderate changes? Getting closer to a happy design. Will likely test this version multiple times. Here's what changed!

- Added retreat path to the lower route at mid so players don't have to dive into mid or retreat and choose a new route in order to reach higher ground.
- Made bounds of the capture zone more clear.
- Widened entrance from spawn yard to the high route to make it more apparent.

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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Here's another update in my endless quest to blitzkrieg through alpha testing and nosedive into beta at mach speed because I know no limits and this is all I do! Here's what changed!

- Removed pinch routes.
- Moved small health and ammo from the pinch routes to next to the circle doors at mid.
- Added lights pointing towards the entrance to the high route to make it more apparent.
- Added additional signage around mid indicating where the point is.
- Change entrance out on to the rope bridges into a circle door for consistency.
- Lengthened short windows at mid to match the longer windows.
- Fixed clipping on rope bridges.

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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Movin' on up! Here's what's changed!

- Moved the point up the stairs to the mid ground.
- Moved the altar to the base of the stairs looking over the death pit.
- Changed medium ammo in the tunnel routes to small.
- Removed the trigger_hurt on the torches.
- Added crates to block sightlines at mid ground. Good ol' crates.
- Shortened balcony over the pit.
- Widened capture zone.
- Added small health and ammo to either side of the gate area.
- Disabled collisions on palm trees.
- Brightened lights shining on side entrance to the high route.
- Optimization?

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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Another day another... update! Here's what's changed!

- Shrunk health/ammo rooms in the buffer zones to make it clearer they aren't full rooms.
- Fixed players being able to stand above the circular doors.
- Fixed a duplicate rock.
- Fixed an issue where Valve assets were conflicting in filename with some custom assets made long ago and vice versa.
- Started some displacements at mid.
- Replaced a set of stairs with models.

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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Back again with another Lazarus release after spending time preparing Slaughter for its beta release, and Minotaur for the 72hr Jam! Here's what's changed!

- Pulled out the middleground of mid to be longer.
- Widened low side routes to be less claustrophobic.
- Added a highground back route to each team's side.
- Raised border around ledge overlooking point.
- Lengthened capture zone.
- Reduced size of small platforms on the low side routes.
- Added a dropdown section from the mid route to the low route on the cliff side, the large ammo has been moved here.
- Fixed clipping on rope bridges.
- Moved spawns slightly to the side of the low routes to give more inclination to take them.
- Fixed players being able to stand on top of the spike rocks.

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