
CP Boondoggle b19


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
BoonDoggle - Like Alloy but Worse

Boondoggle, it's like Alloy but worse.

Boondoggle uses the gravelpit/steel type gamemode mix Yrr made for Alloy. Capture point A OR B to unlock C. Capping 1 of the points lowers C while capping both points extends a bridge to C.

I fear this map may be underscaled. Whenever I feel that way about a map, it usually ends up being overscaled so who knows.

This is the first time I've used Compilepal for a map so I have no idea if it worked correctly. It seems to have worked as intended but I honestly don't know.

Also there was another map called Boondoggle but it was payload instead of Capture Point. It also hasn't seen an update since around '08 and doesn't seem to have a download available. Due to that I felt it was safe to use the name.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Boondoggle is a pretty good name, I'll give you that, but "Hornswoggle" or "Smeckledorf" would fit better.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-made C's death pit look more like a death pit
-added lil path at A so scouts can use it to jump over the water like and look real cool doing it.
-uh...other stuff like I dunno
-removed basic player collision with soccer ball
-minor detailing
-replaced some previous custom content with less custom content to help the file size.

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-fixed C so it can actually be captured. Why did no one ever think of this before? That's crazy!
-minor detailing and lighting and other things cause I'm running out of time for the asym 2 contest and I won't get this map done in time cause I've never finished a map and I doubt that will ever change.
-figured out how to make cubemaps for LDR and HDR

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-removed front stairs at B
-moved around doorways for B and added some windows
-added nobuilds around A
-increased time to cap both A and B to 26 seconds
-changed initial respawn times
-respawn times now change as the map progresses. Blue's gets shorter while Red's gets longer
-made the pit at C larger in hopes of making it more difficult to defend
-moved around railings at C
-Removed crates at opening in building by A
-replaced opening in building by A with smaller windows
-remade the walkway under C to look less like an accessible area
-fixed incorrect announcer lines
-maybe some other stuff I don't remember

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-remade connectors to C from A and B to make them more interesting and more interconnected.
-Lowered ground on the sides of the death pit at C so players can jump back to it from C
-added a roof to C so players can't get on it before capping A or B
-raised water level under A
-changed Skybox and env lighting
-remade outside area to the left of C when coming from red spawn
-fixed some clipping issues
-some other stuff I don't remember

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-remade A so it's not such a pain in the butt to capture
-edited B to be more difficult to capture
-edited C to make it easier for red to hold
-made the connectors to C smaller
-A and B now take longer to cap
-other stuff I don't remember
-probably more detailing than I should have but oh well
-lowered time added by capping points

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-Lowered A so that blue is at a height disadvantage while standing on it instead of a height advantage
-closed up some areas to make the map less like swiss cheese in hopes of getting players to WORK TOGETHER more
-changed path from red spawn left to outside area
-changed outside area to left of C and red spawn to be less clunky
-minimal detailing
-probably some other stuff I forgot

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Aug 26, 2016
The map has plenty of errors and missing textures, It'd be a pain to point them all out.
Another thing, all stairs, no matter how small, should be accompanied by a blockbullets ramp of the same size (yes ramp, not stairs) This is to prevent errors with shooting explosive weapons at them and jumping while on them. I noticed that not a single set of stairs has this, and I definitely recommend it.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
The map has plenty of errors and missing textures, It'd be a pain to point them all out.
Another thing, all stairs, no matter how small, should be accompanied by a blockbullets ramp of the same size (yes ramp, not stairs) This is to prevent errors with shooting explosive weapons at them and jumping while on them. I noticed that not a single set of stairs has this, and I definitely recommend it.
This is all untrue. I packed the map when I compiled it using compilepal and every set of stairs has a bulletblock2 on it. Every, single, one.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-lowered cap time for A and B from 26s to 24s
-fixed clipping issues throughout the map
-moved red spawn farther back from C
-changed left side spawn door leading to C and connectors to B
-added missing cubemaps
-more detailing than I should be doing at this stage in development
-combined 2 health and ammo locations close to each other at B to just be 1 health and ammo pickup area between both previous locations
-fixed shown nodraw areas

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