
CP FantasMud b3


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013
FantasMud - A collaboration between Muddy and Fantasmos

Fantasmud (Working Title) is a space-base-themed 2 Stage control point map that blends together differing combat styles to let players control the fight, the map, and the match.


Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
Let me get this straight: A collab between Fanta and Mud, set in space? Take my money!


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013
Updating this thread is long overdue, there have been numerous updates Muddy and I have worked tirelessly on and heres a short rundown of every change since A1

  • Blue Spawn now is an uphill battle as opposed to downhill, to prevent a concise victory that would turn into a steamroll
  • At the control point, added an ammo pack and increased the size of the railing new blu spawn, to allow a strong defensive position for defenders to setup sentries
  • Lowered the hill entering CP-A to give less an advantage to attackers
  • Decreased the height of the far path coming into CP-B to give less an advantage to attackers
  • Closed up some paths for the A-B connector to ensure a more close-quaters environment
  • Updated the skybox + lighting
Ok now for all the changes from a3 to a4
  • Moved the blu spawn into the enclosed area
  • Redid the room prior to CP-A to function as a chokepoint and give defenders more leverage
  • Moved the far entrance to stage 1 to be close to the main one, to prevent people sneaking around
  • Removed the health pack in the connector as they gave attackers too much leverage, especially in conjunction with the other health pack
  • At connector B, added a barrier to the entrance that should make the connector function more as a chokepoint
  • Redid the high route, its no longer as high nor provides a path behind the control point
  • In combination the Gate for Red on that side was made higher, allowing for strong coverage by defenders
  • The other side of the map (Lava side) was given the entrance behind, this in conjunction with both high paths for defenders should make the path difficult to utilise for attackers and provide less an advantage
  • Increased cover to assist defenders
  • Changed purple lighting to yellow to be more inline with the space-based maps existing already

Those should be the major bullet points that needed addressing, the photos should cover everything I may have missed, and thank you for everyone's feedback they've provided within testing

Read the rest of this update entry...


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013
  • Blocked off far entrance (the one that opens for cp2), to limit attackers and allow defenders to be more concise
  • removed cover for defenders on blu opening, as it was more disruptive than helpful
  • Expanded the defensive ledge for defenders on CP1 to counteract the other path
  • Opened the CP up so defenders can engage quicker
  • Moved the flank entrance around
  • Removed stairs to CP2, and made a walkaround entrance
  • Removed underbridge

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Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013
  • Updated A to cull major sightlines, and increase tightness
  • Lowed control point B to allow engagements to act fluidly
  • Re-added path onto B from centre
  • Added rock and changed path at B to discourage a larger sightline
  • Reduced Medium healthpack at A to a small
  • Improved connector into A to have more protection
  • Updated sniperspot at A (far side) to give a significant advantage only to the far-side

Read the rest of this update entry...


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013
  • Made multiple healthkits for attackers from medium to small around A, and made the defensive one (outside blu spawn) medium
  • Reworked A, particularly to cull major sightlines by moving around exits and entrances as well as move the upper path around a tad, defence should be much easier on the other higher area
  • removed Door that opens on CP2 and made it an open area, this is to encourage defenders to use highground and develop it as a chokepoint
  • For B, flipped it horizontally, major overhaul that should play very differently
  • Made the main exit two smaller exits
  • Made numerous changes in order for B to work, but perspective wise players should have A LOT better an idea where their opponents are
  • On A, made new highground for defenders and removed bridge in connector
  • On A, removed barrier at defensive exit

These updates are a response to make defenders more capable, as well as ensure visibility as players know where their opponents are when engaging.

Read the rest of this update entry...


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013
We gave the map a major lighting and texture pass, which gives a base idea of the direction we're taking the map. There are some slight changes here and there due to this, as we properly aligned brushwork here and there, and neatened up some displacements, however no fundemental gameplay changes have been made other than:

  • Removed glass on A point holdout (This will allow players on the point to hide underneath slightly, a slight buff for mobile classes)

We're hoping this can let us draw conclusions better for gameplay as lighting can influence the players around the map (which we still intend to work on as the focus).

Known hiccups:
  • Gates on blu-spawn go above the entrance building (Not a major issue as it doesn't affect gameplay
  • Window at blu-spawn has a bit of corner seem

Read the rest of this update entry...


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013
MODERATOR NOTE: This update was allowed despite it being past the contest's deadline - the finished version of this was uploaded only a few minutes after the deadline passed.

Just small bug fixes that don't change gameplay:

  • Clipping on blu cave
  • Clipping in front of blu spawn on railing at corner intersection
  • Z-Fighting at building outside blu spawn
  • Door in blu spawn Railing at blu spawn
  • Crate on A slightly slightly lowered
  • Doors at blu spawn fixed
  • Seam at blu spawn
  • Spawn doors have light for ressupply
  • Brush in red spawn fixed
  • Extra Cubemaps

Read the rest of this update entry...


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Something is seriously weird about this texture:



Like, it's hard to tell from the JPEG, but the criss-crossing parts and the blemishes have no AA, almost like they're on a separate layer with $alphatest on.


It's even more clear from a distance. Also why does it seem to have completely separate lighting as well? I thought maybe it was an attempt at applying phong shading to brush surfaces by slapping a model on top, but it doesn't move with the camera.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Uh...nothing in this map is underwater so I have no idea what you're talking about?
May 25, 2015
Uh...nothing in this map is underwater so I have no idea what you're talking about?
Oh, sorry. From the look of the color on those screenshots, and the small dirt spots which I thought were those little particle things that float around in water in TF2, I thought those screenshots were taken underwater. My bad.


Party Time 2.0!
Jun 8, 2016
Wow! I'm genuinely impressed how far mercenary technology has come! Especially in the computer department, they seem to have outpaced real life computers with impossibly thin servers! However, for some reason they ran out of budget or something, because the one computer at the far side is still the traditional size. I guess they need to do a bit more mining before they can upgrade that one too.

20170122155928_1.jpg 20170122155938_1.jpg 20170122160003_1.jpg

I could continue awing at the marvelous wonders of technology, except I noticed that these here servers could be fake! Yes! The mercenaries are being tricked into believing these are real servers! However, if it weren't for the fact that that fully functioning cathode monitor there was there...fully functioning! Holy Crap! They even managed to squish the mechanics of how one of those monitors work! Oh wait, have I been tricked as well? *cue dramatic music*


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013