PASS pass_volleyblast [Deleted]

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The ImprovisE!

L1: Registered
Dec 13, 2016
pass_volleyblast - passtime volleyball pyro

So, long time ago i had idea that pyro could airblast beach balls into air to play volleyball. That is what i am trying to accomplish with this map. It's not looking too fancy or anything, but it does the job.
I'm having trouble testing this map because i cannot properly configure double router port forwarding, so all feedback is welcome.
The field size is yet up to discussion.
Also don't have any better name ideas yet.

Map is also in workshop, you can run it just by typing map workshop/815285527 into console.

Map can detect if "serve" fails and scores to opponent if that happens.
There is sometimes a bug that when you fall on your jump part and airblast at the same time it airblasts the ball downward.
There is a wall which dissapears only for the ball and not for players, allowing only the ball to cross fields but not players.
Map automatically reskins passtime ball to look like a beach ball. It also changes balls seek range so it's harder to pick up. sv_allow_point_servercommand always is necessary for map to be configured properly.

If you want to play this map with multiple classes use tf_passtime_ball_takedamage 1. This will make you being to serve by throwing the ball and shooting it easier.

Hud is not relevant to what is happening in the map. Having trouble removing those elements.
Last edited:


Feb 8, 2016
i really like the idea.
i believe you can create something amazing from it.
just of course try to make the game fun and fair

The ImprovisE!

L1: Registered
Dec 13, 2016
Added sounds on scoring points.
Fixed seing volleyball particles out of skybox.
Added displacements for sand to look more natural.
Removed health and ammo packs and added a resupply zone.
Removed 3d skybox, added metal grates for displaying the walls that were previously invisible.
Changed tf_passtime_ball_takedamage 0 to make ball only airblastable. If you want to play with other classes, switch that to 1
tf_passtime_teammate_steal_time 1
Upgraded the point_servercommand check to not leave cheats on :)
Fixed being able to score for both teams if you throw ball between both nets.

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The ImprovisE!

L1: Registered
Dec 13, 2016
20.12.16 rc7
added 3d skybox again with changed scenario
changed the scoreboard to face each team.
Fixed tf_passtime_ball_takedamage 0 not switching to 1
added metal stakes which hold the grates.
pass_volleyblast_rc70013.jpg pass_volleyblast_rc70014.jpg pass_volleyblast_rc70015.jpg pass_volleyblast_rc70016.jpg

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The ImprovisE!

L1: Registered
Dec 13, 2016
Updating map since it's been a while and it's nearing completion.

sv_allow_point_servercommand always must be enabled to work properly.

Map automatically reskins passtime ball to look like a beach ball.
Scoreboard shows team respective points.

If you want to play the map without subscribtion type into console:
map workshop/815285527
Ratings appreciated

Spawns now spawn ball according to who last scored. First ball is random.
Volleyball has too many rules, so i had to bend some - like picking up the ball. Unfortunately i found no way to make player throw the ball by itself when caught, if you have solution pm.

The way the scoring works(in case you are confused) -> if ball is thrown or colored it will score a goal, if it is without team color, it will get sent to the other side without a goal scored.

It has come to my attention that with tf_passtime_ball_seek_range 400 if you throw ball too close to net and there is a player to the side it will intercept it immediately. You can feel free to change the value, but that would make pyro air-blasting sometimes pushing ball away instead of picking up every time. Also On the value of 400 it is technically possible to rocket jump up and have the ball fly up to you, for solo dunking.
Another issue, which i've encountered - If you fly too close to invisible wall and are blocked by it, you won't be able to throw the ball as it will also block the ball.

There is a lot of changes and additions this time:
-tf_passtime_ball_seek_range has been reverted to default 128,
-changed 3d box scenery to include city buildings in background (not sure I'll be ever satisfied).
-Removed the fence, but kept the invisible walls(shortening the fence still looked bad, otherwise, looked too "cagy")
Changed the barrier between sides to block players, but not block projectiles and the ball itself(removed holographic projection).
-Added timer for attacking, and if it goes down to 0, you die, and ball gets spawned on other side (no penalty score for opponent though, couldn't get that to work). This is meant as a prevention from people just holding the ball or doing nothing all game. First ball timer might not start counting by itself unless you get ball to other side.
-Added a trigger which detects if a ball has failed
-Added more spawns and changed distances between player spawns
-removed resupply and ammo regen, making your airblast and health more important.
-changed tf_passtime_scores_per_round to 10.

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