Is possible get SteamID in trigger event?

Gezebu MindBlue

L1: Registered
Oct 12, 2016
What the title says ...
I want to drop one box every 10 minutes. When a player touches it, he gets a reward and box is destroyed. For this I need to give a command to the point_servercommand, and I need to give to it the SteamID32 of player.

Frosty Scales

L2: Junior Member
Mar 22, 2015
this is mostly plugin related stuff. what you would want to do is forward !activator to the point_servercommand, and then have a plugin deal with it from there. unless you're dealing with say, a database of users with their SteamID in it, then the SteamID really shouldn't be used by the plugin at all. Just the value passed by !activator.

Gezebu MindBlue

L1: Registered
Oct 12, 2016
It is not the case. Maybe I are bad for explain me better.

I do not want to activate the point_server command.
The point_servercommand is enabled by default on the server files with "sv_allow_point_servercommand always".

What I need is for the map to tell the server the steamid32 when the player touches a trigger.

What I want is when the player touch the "reward" model_prop, gets an extra amount of stamm points, credits or some else.

For example:

To achieve the first, I need to send a command from the map to the server, via the server_point command.

The command that point_servercommand needs to send to the server would be something like "stamm_add_points steamid32 500"

I do not know if it is possible to do this, but it is exactly what I need to do.
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Frosty Scales

L2: Junior Member
Mar 22, 2015
not possible. you would need to get the client's steamid using a plugin.