
PL Brimstone 2023-05-06

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Jun 17, 2010
Brimstone - It's friday night of the living dead! Let's lose our minds, here we go for Halloween!

I figured i'd post this here since i forgot earlier. It would have been tiresome to update it everywhere but i should have done this few weeks ago already. But here it is now. Any input, feedback or suggestion is welcome. Thanks.

Welcome to (fire and) Brimstone! The long awaited (well not really) cousin of Hellstone! Redmond Mann has risen from the depths of Hell and you must return him to that ghastly awful place! Do it, if you dare!

Horrors await you, are you already scared? Because you should be! There is a 12,5% chance that you might see something that might rip your head off or blast you into small tiny baby pieces! But not each time you play. Sometimes the chances are 100% and it's very much the end of you! Meet Merasmus (voice only) that cast spells and awakens horrors (sometimes)! If you are taking too long with this map to beat, he will arrive live to finish you all off! But you can instead finish him too!

This year i concentrated more on the gameplay. So if you hated Hellstone, you definitely will like Brimstone more! YOU CAN PLAY THIS MAP RIGHT NOW! Connect to - runs this map 24/7!

Play the map to find out more on what it provides! Do it several times, otherwise you might miss something!

Thanks and have fun!


Jun 17, 2010
Updated with workshop changes.

- Fixed many potential out-of-the-map exploits that could be accessed with certain spell
- Fixed some clipping issues
- Fixed merasmus saying certain spell double times
- Fixed ground detail brushes to be more fitting
- Tuned lighting in some areas of the map to more lit
- Tuned some textures in last RED base

Read the rest of this update entry...


L3: Member
Jun 20, 2015

I always get really frustrated with this spot here. The placement of the crates make it look like, "If you're savvy, you can use this as a platform to make it up the passage and potentially flank the enemy". I'm always a big fan of little agility routes like that, because they reward map knowledge, encourage exploration, are handy for experienced flankers, and generally don't interfere with the flow of most games. However, the ledge itself is slightly too high, so Snipers, Medics, Heavies, Spies, Pyros, and anyone other than a Scout aren't able to use this to make it up to the ledge.

It's especially frustrating because RED desperately needs a solid way to flank BLU on the last point. Even for invisible Spies, the two routes to get behind the enemy are really risky to take because they both come together into the same chokepoint, where it's really easy to bump into Zephaniah Mann, enemy players, or chokepoint spam. I think that elevating/adjusting the height and/or placement of this crate a bit would do a lot to improve last, mostly for RED but also for BLU (since BLU players currently get trapped when they fall down from this drop-down point and can't retreat without moving across a massive danger zone towards the main chokepoint).

Jun 17, 2010
Actually, you can get there from that crate with any class. It's a learning curve, only 1 edge of the crate allows that. But you need to crouch jump to achieve that.


L3: Member
Jun 20, 2015
Actually, you can get there from that crate with any class. It's a learning curve, only 1 edge of the crate allows that. But you need to crouch jump to achieve that.

I'm pretty sure I crouch-jumped, and I've tried multiple times. If it's that hard to do, then I'd recommend making it just a little bit easier anyhow, because if you hadn't told me that it was possible, after 6-7 times where I couldn't jump high enough, I would've given up and never tried it again.
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Jun 17, 2010
It is doable, it's the reason why i set up that crate there and i've used it ingame many times. If i update the map once more, i can raise the box & ground a bit to make easier.


L3: Member
Jun 20, 2015
I've kept trying, and no luck. Even knowing that it's doable, I can't figure out how. I'm definitely jump-crouching, too.

Also, is it possible to reduce Hallowe'en bosses' health? Because at the point of time when Monoculus and Merasmus can appear, there's no way that BLU and RED will ever be able to beat him, because everyone's struggling over the last couple of points. I'd recommend giving them 1/3 of the max health, if that's possible, unless it was your intention that they be undefeatable.

[Edit] One more thing: Merasmus is able to get in one or two places which he probably shouldn't, especially since players from both teams may be randomly given bomb heads. For example, I was on the Sniper balcony, and Merasmus ran up the stairs and stood behind the door for awhile:


There's no way the average BLU team member has any chance of getting rid of their bomb heads if Merasmus is hiding back there. Heck, even my teammates were confused about where he was.

I then went back to RED's right spawn, and he followed me in through the door:


Again, I don't know anything about how the Hallowe'en bosses work, but if there's a way to keep them out of places like these, then I recommend doing it.
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Jun 17, 2010