Is there a section for VSH/DR maps?

Cream Tea

L1: Registered
Apr 26, 2016
Sorry if this sounds stupid, I haven't been on TF2maps for a while since I've been very busy lately but I've been thinking of coming back.

Now I like to make maps for VSH/DR and I have made a few already but of course they were for specific communities and I haven't made anything "spectacular" yet.

So as the title says, is there a specific section for Versus Saxton Hale, Deathrun, Etc.?

Or is TF2Maps for Valve game modes only?

Cream Tea

L1: Registered
Apr 26, 2016
Oh wow I didn't even realize that was there it was a little tucked away.

Thank you!


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Hi, Cream Tea. Glad to meet a fellow deathrun mapper.


L420: High Member
Jul 24, 2016
(I'd put a link here but I'm on mobile and copy-pasting stuff is an absolute arse on mobile)
two things about this... one, how do you embed links? all that i can do is put the solid link in... and i would love to make "super" lead to some link on the steam workshop, but i dont know how... also, they should really make this website either more mobile friendly, or just make a mobile app...