If you could do a new halloween boss, what would it be?


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Flesh slowly encroaching on all of the map. Players can shoot it to beat it back but they still have to do the objective so they have to split their time between clearing out their side of the map and winning.

Some massive conjured creature that vomits/projects liquid on players, transforming them into powerful monsters that lose control and start to attack the other players. Alternatively, players can build up resistance by collecting cores, and at a certain level they don't get mind controlled when transformed so they can attack players as the monster.

Capture The Flag but instead of a flag you are capturing BABY MONSTERS! And the mother monster doesn't like you stealing her litter so she will pursue the carrier, even after the flag is captured. Number of caps is increased to nine and there can be three flags in play per team at a time. Mother monster tendrils or agents can be beaten back with weapons but has a lot of health so takes a lot to kill or put off.

Merasmus naked?


Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
I'd like to see rd_asteroid_event, with giant tentacles coming out of the middle crater and smashing players. The bases would have more of an Alien vibe.


Feb 14, 2010
A robot boss would be cool, as the HHH fits the medieval theme already, a space themed boss would seem equally fitting. https://youtu .be/3_NUH0DcsNs?t=57s (hope that link works in countries besides canada).

I was also thinking of an alien boss for the Invasion thing, before it launched. Was thinking of ways like valve suggested that 'people would be happy that you spent money while they were on the server'. Thought of a 'alien egg' item you could buy for like $10 and it would spawn a boss on any server (custom map server included) that was non-competitive and didn't have some boss cvar disabled. Losing on the last point of dustbowl stage 3? Throw an alien boss into the mix to attack both sides with laser guns and stuff!

A big octopus would be cool, but probably time consuming to animate.

@worMatty I like those map-based boss ideas, although they feel less like something you can actually win against / destroy rather than just endure - which I guess makes sense lore-ly as the tf2 bosses tend to respawn anyway..


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Yes, I moved away from spawning a killable boss like the eyeball and Merasmus and thought about some changing environmental conditions that affected how the game is played. It'd be easy to come up with something that appears now and then and has some different attacks, but I think some original mechanics are needed. I loved Merasmus' carnival, with his strong hammer and the bumper car mini games. It was totally unexpected and added a bunch of new stuff. I like custom Hallowe'en maps that have interesting new obstacles, or take existing content and features and arrange them in a way that provides more fun.

Naked Merasmus could shoot green fire out of his willy though. Then he could use one my my favourite sm_play sound files!

Would the alien egg boss give out presents when it is destroyed?

A Moderately Priced Shoe

L1: Registered
Sep 8, 2015
How about that a boss that's reference to Hotline Miami? I'm not sure how it would work other than always delivering a one-hit kill with its melee attack. Maybe chase down who ever is closest?

My other idea for a Halloween boss is one that isn't so much of a boss but as more of an environmental hazard. I don't mean randomly appearing like HHH, but watching the battle and attacking the teams because it's pissed off for a myriad of reasons. What I mean is that it would attack for a bit and then leave, then attack again and then leave again randomly. The objective would still complete able while the boss is in play. What this boss would be is most likely some sort of territorial mythological creature.


local shitposter
Jun 25, 2015
https://youtu .be/3_NUH0DcsNs?t=57s

Video containts content send by B_Viacom, who blocked this video in your country (Poland) under copyright

Can somebody give me another the same or slimiliar video or just show me a screenshot of that robot? Thank you

EDIT: I'm still waiting

dragon for sure

Well, I don't feel like dragons would fit in TF2 theme halloween theme
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Aug 6, 2016
A swarm of huge stone gargoyles with a bigger leader gargoyle? Like the ones Merasmus hands out to everybody?

The gargoyles could come out of the dirt parts of graves, like how the skeletons emerge. At the end of the match they would transport all the players to a g(rave)yard and the gargoyles and players would do the Thriller taunt. Then the gargoyles would all attack the losing players.


local shitposter
Jun 25, 2015
I think the floating eyeballs and wizard roommate are certainly more realistic than a fake dragon. Right guys?

Okay, I just said that in the wrong way. I meant dragons won't fit with TF2 halloween theme.
For me floating eyeballs and wizard roommate looks like a halloween creatures, but dragons for me looks like more as mythical creature than a halloween monster and they would fit more like with medieval theme than halloween one


Feb 8, 2016
ok then zombies or dunno hmmm a ghost or a bread monster boss could do the trick what do you think?
and when i am saying zombies i mean the zombies for instance get out of their graves and attack humans like a arena mode. if you die you are dead :D
and the humans need to survive.


Jun 17, 2010
At this point, i would honestly welcome any new monster, including the bread monster that we have seen in the videos as a halloween boss to appear instead of this silence from Valve part. They really need to invest more into halloween next year themselves.

One thing i suggested to them for this year was that they would create 1-2 monsters (lets say moving on the ground or air) with instructions to use so that mapmakers could implement those into their maps. Those would be then revelealed when halloween hits and players would be surprised, including the mapmakers. But that idea never got any echo.

In any case, if community can cook up a monster that is animated, works perfectly, i'm sure Valve could implement it to work within the game, assuming it flies or runs on the ground itself or whatever it might do.