Uh, Hello...

How long has everybody been doing mapping?

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L1: Registered
Sep 3, 2016
Hello everybody. I am a 14 year old fan of tf2 who recently got into mapping because off of Crashes youtube tutorials. I am rather new to mapping so I am definitely not... good. I've made only a few maps so far. A payload map which is absolutely terrible, a few box maps to get me into mapping, and a king of the hill map which is below average. I main Scout, but am really bad at him, and I also enjoy playing Soldier, Pyro, and sometimes some Demo or Medic thrown in there. I hope that I have a good time on this community getting better at mapping and getting to know people, talk to you later!

P.S. I'll probably be putting up my koth map, but I in no means expect good feedback from it :p It's an incredibly below average map that's been made by a newbie.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
I'm always glad to see a new face on TF2Maps.net!

You'll meet many people on TF2M, all of which are glad to help you around the site and give you feedback on your map! Speaking of which, whenever you're ready to send the first version of your KOTH map out into the world for testing, please check out this thread for adding it to the site, this one for adding it to gamedays, and this one for adding it to impromptu tests.


L1: Registered
Sep 3, 2016
Lol there we go i added a 1 year option cuz i'm a n idiot and forgot to add that.


eternally tired
Nov 5, 2014
Be sure to drop into the Steam chat if you get a chance! Always nice to see new enthusiastic faces around here!