Payload Movement Post-Win Condition


L1: Registered
Aug 3, 2016

Hey guys, I'm making my first Payload map and I'm having some trouble implementing the win condition. My idea is to have the cap point in the image be the final terminus, then after that is capped, and the BLU team has won, disable the capture area around the cart, have the cart automatically move forward to the end of the tracks, then detonate. Unfortunately, every time I try to disable the capture area the cart stops dead in its tracks, regardless of me changing the move speed of the cart, and killing the capture area causes the cart itself to be captured. Is there any way to make the cart move on its own, without it being captured, or will I have to make the team push it all the way to the end?


Sep 23, 2011
Are you doing your own movement or do you let the trainwatcher do it for you?


L1: Registered
Aug 3, 2016
Here's everything I've tried so far.

- Setting the SetSpeed & SetSpeedDirAccel of the cart group to 1. It seems that disabling the pushzone around the cart automatically disables the cart's ability to move.
- Killing the pushzone. This just captures the cart itself.
- Disabling the trainwatcher and setting the cart SetSpeed to 1. This stops the cart automatically after the final capture point is taken.
- Setting the final path_track to capture an invisible point, disabling the trainwatcher, and setting the cart SetSpeed to 1. This would not capture the point, as the cart's capture functionality was disabled by getting rid of trainwatcher.

I'm running out of options here.


Feb 7, 2008

Here's the I/O setup of the last path_track of a single stage in ABS' multi-stage payload setup. It looks like the trick is to disable the capture zone, stop the cart, and then set it to move forward after a delay.

This I/O is on a path_track the cart reaches after it moves out of player view, which should set it up for the next round. There's also another path_track after this one. I'm not sure why that is, but it's worth noting for debugging reasons.

The team_control_point itself has this I/O, which may or may not be relevant.


L1: Registered
Aug 3, 2016
It looks like the trick is to disable the capture zone, stop the cart, and then set it to move forward after a delay.

Yep, that solved it! Thanks man. I guess for some reason stopping the cart resets the movement AI, because without it stopping first the cart just doesn't know what to do and sits there like an idiot.

Now, just for reference to anyone else who has this problem, here's the TL;DR

All of the following outputs are placed in the path_track directly above your final Payload capture point.
1. Cart Captures the final point: Call sspl_pushzone with the input CaptureCurrentCP, Call cp_final (or whatever your final capture point is named) with the input SetOwner with a parameter override cooresponding to the capturing team (2 for RED, 3 for BLU)
2. Stop the cart: Call sspl_train with the input Stop
3. Start the cart with automatic movement: Call sspl_train with the input SetSpeedDirAccel with parameter override of 1
4. Explosion effects: Set the end path_track to stop the cart again, and the flashing light effect on top of the cart (this should be done already, I'm going to assume that you copied your Payload implementation from ABS' game mode test map). Move the cart explosion trigger that was originally at the bottom of the pit to be flush with the rail, and the filter_name should be implemented so that only the cart will trigger it. Once the cart hits the last path_track, it will activate the trigger. Remove cart_tilt or cart_falling sounds and activation outputs in the trigger. Now, set the cart_beep to activate after 1 second delay, and all the other explosion effects (as well as the sspl_cart Kill command) 2 seconds later.

Hopefully that should help anyone else having my problem of moving the cart after capturing the final point on a single stage payload map.