what do you think i should do for ukiyo ?

Malachite Man

L6: Sharp Member
Oct 16, 2015
:cordonenable:What do you think?:cordonenable:
I have been working on ukiyo a6 and i want to know what do you think i should do for the map?

Mid is a small room and people compilainted about it and i was wondering what to do about it?


I added this top part but i do not know of ot will help or hurt gameplay the idea is that you can either spawn on top of the spawnroof and get a height advantge or you can spawn on the bottom floor and wall the two the second floor witch takes longer but you get a height adventage what do you think about it


This structure witch leads two either the storage room or the main route do you think it would be any significant to the gameplay or just be something that will mess up gameplay?


The courtyard have added a structure and added the top spawnroom plus i rised the spawnrooms do you think this is a good change?

The map layout what do you think of the maps layout?

Here is a arcade machine that made just as a bonus

This is not the the final version of ukiyo a6
mind the two rooms at the bottom right of the screen