
KotH koth_2_trench_v1 Current Version 7/27/2016

MrGhost The Flying Flail

L1: Registered
Jul 22, 2016
koth_2_Trench - King OOf The Hill Based Map using Frontline Assets

Hey guys this is my First TF2 map but not my first map made in hammer. This map I hope you guys enjoy for play testing is still under development and is undergoing changes as we speak. The map is mirrored for both Red and blue team including a trench sytems and overpasses that allow players to go over trenches if they don't feel like going in the trench. In the trenches you will find areas in which you can prop yourself up just enough to shoot over the trench and take cover along with health and ammo packs along trench line. Passing the trench you will find three ramps that will guild you to no-mans land aka the capture point that is filled with mines and obstetrical that will make for quick combat if you step on a mine lol. In between the ramps are four sections 1 medical area, 1 ammo area, and 2 defensive positions along the no-mans land in which players can hunker down and fight back at the same time. Ontop of the players spawn is 2 little structures mainly for sniper usage mainly because it gives views to the entire map minus the enemy trench line but it can be re-purposed with sentry-guns defending potential invading enemy forces.

The map is called in game "koth_test_playthrough" becuase I didnt know what to call it at the time of assembly. I Started on this project yesterday when I hear about Frontline and how awesome it was on VNN "Valve News Network" and the call to arms to help produce content for the community sadly I started before the 72Hour event so i cant call it that but never the less the map will receive regular visual updates and changes depending on how the play test goes for you guys. Please comment what you like and don't like about it down below and I hope you guys enjoy.



















L1: Registered
Jul 22, 2016
Looks good! And just what I need for an SFM poster! Thank you!


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
It does indeed look pretty interesting! Drop in to our group chat to test it. From the screenshots, i'm worried that some of the outside areas will be pretty big, and that the inside is very dark - does the map have a leak.

We can't test it if you don't pack the Frontline stuff into the BSP, though - saying "you need the pack" isn't enough - Frontline is huge! You can't ask everyone to download it just to play your map.

MrGhost The Flying Flail

L1: Registered
Jul 22, 2016
Heys guys MrGhost here with another update on my map "koth_2_trench" now on update 1.1. I edited the map according to helpful feedback I received on the very first play test ever on the map which sadly I was not able to attend but never the less I listened and hopefully I delivered.

In this update you will find

1.Reduced Spawn Time

2. Removal of the Hills in the background that will be replaced with another In a later date and time. *The large displacements caused the map to swell too 100% plus on the physics meter*

3. I improved the amount of cover in on the capture point by adding an entire building covering the point and them some to allow players to take cover and hold the line. This in effect diminishes the effect snipers will have on the map. The building windows have been boarded up to further reduce the sniping effect but there still are cracks in the wood.

4. Reduced amount of props and remove of mines. *Mine removal is only temporary =)*

5.Dust particle effects in the Center building.

I hope you guys enjoy please leave feedback as greatly helps me on improving the map's over all quality. Thanks and have fun

Read the rest of this update entry...