
PL Barnblitz pro8


The "raw" in "nodraw"
Jun 1, 2009
Barnblitz - A remastered version of valve's barnblitz

My intent is not to claim Valve's work as my own, this release is only a maintenance effort upon valve's pl barnblitz.

pl_barnblitz_pro70000.jpg pl_barnblitz_pro70001.jpg pl_barnblitz_pro70002.jpg pl_barnblitz_pro70003.jpg pl_barnblitz_pro70004.jpg pl_barnblitz_pro70005.jpg pl_barnblitz_pro70006.jpg pl_barnblitz_pro70007.jpg pl_barnblitz_pro70008.jpg


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
Should the title of the thread be Barnblitz pro?


The "raw" in "nodraw"
Jun 1, 2009
-removed red forward spawns
-added routes for red to reach battlegrounds
--red has a new path to 1st point
--red has a new path to the upper area on 2nd
-moved around 1st and 2nd point for balance
-tweaked spawn times
-fixed final explosion being detonated by dropped weapons

Read the rest of this update entry...

Jun 17, 2010
To be honest, if this pro7c is what the competitive players want from map compared to regular barnblitz, i don't want to get into that scene ever. Version pro4 i still understood, it had some good route changes vs original but this 7c is overkill.


The "raw" in "nodraw"
Jun 1, 2009
To be honest, if this pro7c is what the competitive players want from map compared to regular barnblitz, i don't want to get into that scene ever. Version pro4 i still understood, it had some good route changes vs original but this 7c is overkill.
people are always on the lookout for dumb reasons to not like the comp community and I feel like calling you out on your comment. This is a dumb reason to not want to do comp.
Last edited:

Jun 17, 2010
people are always on the lookout for dumb reasons to not like the comp community and I feel like calling you out on your comment. This is a dumb reason to not want to do comp.

We've had our share of comp players on our public servers and they often talk how teamplay is better in comp. Experience i've had with them is that they are very picky, often diss maps that are not comp played, want crits off if they happen to toss themselves into public/community servers and leave as soon as some map that isn't comp played comes next on a server.

I don't hate the competitive side of the game or comp community in general. I said my previous comment regarding changes on this map only. I just have to wonder that has Valve made so bad map in the first place, that it needs to have this many changes in order to "fix it", untill it's good enough for them to play? Barnblitz is not that bad map at all to play on, even when it's default layout.


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
We've had our share of comp players on our public servers and they often talk how teamplay is better in comp. Experience i've had with them is that they are very picky, often diss maps that are not comp played, want crits off if they happen to toss themselves into public/community servers and leave as soon as some map that isn't comp played comes next on a server.

I don't hate the competitive side of the game or comp community in general. I said my previous comment regarding changes on this map only. I just have to wonder that has Valve made so bad map in the first place, that it needs to have this many changes in order to "fix it", untill it's good enough for them to play? Barnblitz is not that bad map at all to play on, even when it's default layout.

The original barnblitz just isnt competetive. Red has far too easy of a time when they have comms and blu cant equip 3 demomen.


The "raw" in "nodraw"
Jun 1, 2009
barnblitz is that bad tho, ask anyone who has worked on it, the map should be redone from the ground up. Also the changes I'm doing are usually not comp demands, they are attempts to address known problems with the map. Problems that might be tolerable in public play, sure, but problems nonetheless. Judging the comp community based on my problem solving skills (or lack of, idc) is unfair.

[LuNo] KimFareseed -TPF-

L1: Registered
Jan 30, 2016
Me and some friends had a problem occur when we were messing around in the map.

I have no idea how this happen. It is version pro7c. Maybe moving the checkpoint slightly more forward might help?

[LuNo] KimFareseed -TPF-

L1: Registered
Jan 30, 2016
Found a problem with RED first spawn. Was in it when the first control point was captured, as you can see, I was there for all but the final capture without being moved to the next spawn. Resupply worked the whole time. I know that the map is mostly played competitively, but it might be a good idea to lock down that resupply when the first point is captured.

[LuNo] KimFareseed -TPF-

L1: Registered
Jan 30, 2016
A server that is running pl_barnblitz_pro8 is having great trouble with RED's first spawn. Player keep straying in it and opening up the doors for their teamates to use the resupply and to attack the enemies from inside of it. They also continue to staying there even when the cart is going for the final capture, as well as using the spawn and resupply to camp the enemy spawn. Do you think you could turn off that resupply cabinet after the first point is captured?