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Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
Scouts medic like heavy scouts.
All scouts soldier heavy, heavy scouts.
Sniper, spy!
Never soldier a scout.
All scouts soldier heavy, heavy scouts.

The meme like a beam we.
Never in a we.
The meme like a beam we.

Sniper, spy!
Where is the heavy scout?
Spy is a heavy scout.

Where is the we beam?
We, we beams meme in a we, we beam.
Why does the beam the?
Why does the beam the?

Spy, spy, and spy.
Medic engie like a heavy scout.
Medic engie like a heavy scout.
Medic engie like a heavy scout.

Jul 26, 2015
So I did this with JonTron quotes using words that my friend and I came up with.

Where is that nuclear-ass clock penis?
Stevie Wonder? Is that thought?
Golly gosh, portal. If I'm expected to believe it's homicide, then why does my Gaben say it's philosophy? thought, year of our devil, Stevie Wonder.
See the ass.