CubeMaps Not Packing Into Map


L2: Junior Member
Oct 1, 2012
So I have this weird issue I have never had until recently. I build cubemaps the way I have always done it, everything reflects for me...I pack the map with vide since its the only one that works really for me and somehow everything with reflections is reflecting pink for people. I have no idea why and I've tried different map versions, different skyboxes..It's super frustrating. However, cubemaps work perfectly fine for me on the map in game ON the server! Any help on this?...
Sep 7, 2012
depending on how you have hammer set up, you could be making two copies of the bsp when you compile, one that goes to your tf/something/maps folder and is loaded by the game, and one in the folder where your vmf is. Double check that you're distributing the one in your tf/.../maps folder because that's where the cubemaps will be packed.
Mar 23, 2013
Maybe you have compiled cubemaps only for LDR but everyone else play the game on HDR? If you compile your map in HDR you have to build cubemaps for both, LDR and HDR


L2: Junior Member
Oct 1, 2012
Maybe you have compiled cubemaps only for LDR but everyone else play the game on HDR? If you compile your map in HDR you have to build cubemaps for both, LDR and HDR
I don't do hdr lighting and I really doubt these people on my server play it that way since most of them have no idea about settings being optional to begin with. A lot of kids visit my servers. I still need answers on how to check in hammer tho according to nightwatch's post.


Sep 11, 2013
You don't check for cubemaps or anything in Hammer, you build them in engine. nightwatch was saying to make sure you take the bsp from tf/maps, not from your vmf directory.


L2: Junior Member
Oct 1, 2012
You don't check for cubemaps or anything in Hammer, you build them in engine. nightwatch was saying to make sure you take the bsp from tf/maps, not from your vmf directory.
I need to know how to check the file path in hammer To see where it is putting the bsp with the cubemap


Sep 11, 2013
It puts it into tf/maps on compile unless you changed some settings very deep down, which I doubt. That's why we keep saying tf/maps.