Halloween Hell - Three major issues (bugs)


L1: Registered
Jun 25, 2012
So I've been working on a Halloween map, a KotH map to be exact, and whenever a team wins the round all players get teleported to Hell (via the "Halloween2013TeleportToHell" output). Everything works fine so far but I stumbled on three problems that I can't manage to fix and since I'm a bit on a hurry I don't have that much time to experiment and test. I'm sure some of you people also tried to integrate a Hell into your maps and might have also experienced these issues. I'm not sure if any solutions exist, I googled and checked the forum but found nothing. I also checked the Helltower map for possible solutions but I'm afraid that Valve hardcoded that stuff since I couldn't find anything that would help me out.

Starting from the unimportant to the most important issue that I need to be fixed:
  • Thriller Taunt after Teleport
    If you played Helltower you know that after being teleported everyone performs the thriller taunt before the final battle starts. I heard that this was also the case if you used the output but some bug or so resulted in Valve doing a hardcode fix and now this doesn't work anymore manually. Does anyone know if it's possible to re-produce this small feature? I tried using addconds + clientcommand (taunt) outputs but the condition seems to be a bit broken...
  • Relocating the info_target (Teleport points) for both teams
    On Helltower if a team wins, it spawns on the one side while the losing team teleports on the other side. This is all controlled by info_targets that are named spawn_loot_winner and spawn_loot_loser. These names are hardcoded and you're more or less forced to use them so the "Halloween2013TeleportToHell" output works correctly. However, I'd like to let the blu team be teleported on the left, and red team be teleported on the right side. Since the info_targets are kinda hardcoded I just can't make new info_targets for both team and tell the map which team to teleport where, so I need a solution to move the both existing info_targets on either side. I tried 3 solutions:
    1. Parenting them on a door that moves depending on which team won. Apparently the entities are broken as soon as you parent them so this didn't work.
    2. Having both entities on both side and using triggers to kill these depending on which team won. Either I did something wrong or this doesn't work as well.
    3. Last but not least, I tried to make templates of these info_targets and depending on which team won, the correct template is being used to ForceSpawn the entities on the spawnsides. According to the console the point_template had no template saved (empty). But seeing how I wasn't even able to teleport to hell (Missing info_target), it prooves that the info_targets were indeed saved on the templates since they auto. remove the original entities from the map. Yet it tells me the point_templates are empty. ???
    I haven't worked that much with info_targets so I'm not completly familiar with how they work.
  • Permanent Overheal, even in the next rounds
    Okay, this is bad. Really bad. The winning team get's an automatic overheal as soon as they get teleported to Hell. This is fine since it would be only fair for the winning team. But what is not fine is the fact that this effect lasts forever. It just won't disappear. Worst part is that even after the round is decided and a new one begins, the effect stays! From what I have found out is that the effect seems to be bound to the players, not the team. Even after swapping the team, I still have the effect. Losing team member's don't get overhealed. Is there a way to disable that? I can't think of a workaround for this compared to the previous two problems.
Sorry for the ass-long text but this isn't something I could describe in a few sentences. I hope there's someone who can help me or at least give me a few hints.

The Halloween2013TeleportToHell output uses parameter to decide which team to teleport where. I haven't yet tested if using no parameter might fix any of these problems, but since the targets are called "winner" and "loser" I guess this would just break it even more.

Thanks for reading. :)


May 13, 2013
If people would make Valve aware of this issue, they would probably fix this.
Seeing how they asked the community, among other things, to make maps for Halloween.
If they fix this, it would only help the community make the final products better.


L1: Registered
Jun 25, 2012
Well, the TeleportToHell output gives that nice visual effect when being teleported to Hell which I'd like to keep. That plus the overheal "bonus buff for winners".
Addcond 54 will just freeze the player in place, play the thriller sound & turn all taunts into thriller. I might combine it with a clientcommand, as I already stated, but it's a bit unoptimal since the players need to stay on the floor for it to work, and they teleport in air and not on the floor. They can freely move & jump to prevent the ForceDance which makes the situation a bit abusive.


Jun 17, 2010
Side note to this, can we just do addcond states in hammer without having cheats set to 1?


For clarification, i'm not talking about the trigger version where player is inside a volume but put a certain state on a single player if he touches something or similiar?
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L1: Registered
Jun 25, 2012
As far as I know there is no way to add a condition to a player without the use of sv_cheats.
Exception is the addcond trigger.


L1: Registered
Jun 25, 2012
Alright scrap this. Getting sick of Valve's Hardcode. I made my very own TeleportToHell-mechanic, working just like the original but even better. The ThrillerForce system is still a work in progress though, even though it works now.
Hopefully Valve fixes their original mechanic.


May 13, 2013
Good news, everyone!
I emailed Eric Smith and told him about this issue, here's what's coming after a few mails:
Eric Smith said:
We have a fix for this shipping in the next update. The tf_logic_holiday entity has been updated to include a “Taunt In Hell” field that should fix the problem with custom maps not taunting when teleporting to Hell. You’ll need to set that to 1.


L1: Registered
Jun 25, 2012
Can confirm.
The newest update just fixed that entity & even added two new keyvalues:
- "Taunt In Hell" - "Should players taunt when teleported to Hell."
- "Haunting" - "Allow Wheel of Doom haunting."
Not sure what the second one does though. Probably related to Wheel of Fate, but no clue what it could do.

Huh, I always thought the entity was called wheel_of_fate and not wheel_of_doom... how could I misread that.
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Jun 17, 2010
  • Permanent Overheal, even in the next rounds
    Okay, this is bad. Really bad. The winning team get's an automatic overheal as soon as they get teleported to Hell. This is fine since it would be only fair for the winning team. But what is not fine is the fact that this effect lasts forever. It just won't disappear. Worst part is that even after the round is decided and a new one begins, the effect stays! From what I have found out is that the effect seems to be bound to the players, not the team. Even after swapping the team, I still have the effect. Losing team member's don't get overhealed. Is there a way to disable that? I can't think of a workaround for this compared to the previous two problems.

I'm using Halloween2013TeleportToHell in my newest halloween map and i did encounter the same health boost forever lasting bug with it. I reported it even to Valve for this reason, because i need the entity in order to place winning team ahead of the losing one.

They said they will look into it after the current update is done, but since 2 months is a long time and the current update they are working on is still not out, i found a temporary solution to the issue, which is why i am now posting here, incase someone else bumps into the problem before Valve fixes it (if ever).

So basically you need to create a trigger brush all over the both teams spawns (i covered whole map just in case) and tie that to entity trigger_add_tf_player_condition

-Name it: begin_healthfix
-Start disabled: No
-Duration: 1

Add into existing logic_auto or create one and into it's output:
OnMultiNewRound begin_healthfix Disable 2 (delay 2 seconds, just incase so it doesnt get left on respawning players)

After this, you will not have a problem with the healthboost lasting forever either team. Teams healths will be high in the round start but that doesnt matter as they lower down during setup. Hopefully, Valve will fix this permanently later.