Load Pointfile Help!


May 28, 2013

When I load pointfiles to look for any leaks in my map, I get this: https://gyazo.com/b7e3bdade1638316ac68c93672c72c1e
As you can see, it's not pointing to anything. Additionally, these pointfiles go through solid blocks for no reason (there are no leaks in them).
Can someone help me?
All of those trigger_hurts are entities and they are currently in the void. A leak is when entities can somehow find a way to the void, and in this case you have yourself placed them all outside of your map.

So, extend the map so that no entities are outside it.

The Asylum

To be more specific, whenever you select a brush entity, be it a trigger volume or a respawn area, you may notice a blue dot appear in the middle. This dot is the origin point. As long as that origin point is within your map and doesn't cross over into the void, you're golden. If needed, you can drag the origin point to anywhere inside the entity, but that's for more advanced brush entity wizardry.