[Paid Request]


L1: Registered
Dec 8, 2014
Hello, I am an Owner of RetroServers.tf

I am hiring someone to assist in building a detailed map based on alien isolation.

I have a budget from $300 to $550, depending on skill level, and time spent.

The map will be built modularly, ie. stairways, rooms, etc will be built with exact specifications, and then those parts will be configured to create the map.

This is going to be a infection style map.

If you are interested, you must know the following.

How to
+ Put simple prop models into a game
+ Some knowledge on building prop models (I will be able to build the props)
+ Detailed Lighting understanding.
+ Detailed Texture knowledge, including knowledge of normal maps (bump maps).

Add me on steam if you are interested http://steamcommunity.com/id/paradoxclock/

Here is an example of what the work will look like. (sides will be mirrored)



A skew of Infection (A premade plugin will control this)

Blue Team (Aliens) [Infected]
- All scouts
- All player models will look like https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/ima.../200px-Isolationist_Pack.png?t=20140919031221
- Striped to melee (sandman) (always mini-critz on hit)
- 1/5 Players will randomly be selected to be on the Blue Team.
- Speed boost of 540 hammer units

Red Team Pyros (Humans) [Non-Infected]
- All pyros
- All player modles will be forced to look like https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/ima....png/200px-Isolated_Merc.png?t=20140919045006
- Striped to Primary (Nostromo Napalmer) (If you run out of ammo, there is no fighting back)
- If a red player is killed, they will join the blue team

Capture Point Map

- 5 Min round, on round end Red Wins
- There will be 3 capture points evenly spaced out.
- If Blue captures a point, they will receive extra time. ( + 3 min)
- Only 1 point will be unlocked at round start. If that point is captured, it unlocks both the 2 additional points at the same time.

Ammo Packs

Ammo is the most important part of this gamemode for the Red Team. Packs will always be small, and will only be found at locations which are beneficial for the Blue team to single out and kill (infect) players.
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Feb 2, 2014
Is this to be a trade map? Idle map? What?


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
What's an "infection map?"


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
Custom sourcemod gamemode... one team is all scouts, the other, pyros. Every pyro killed is 'infected' and brought to the other team as a scout. Goal is to eliminate the other team. It's basically a gimmicky arena mode.

I honestly think it's a fun mode.


L1: Registered
Dec 8, 2014
More screenshots please.

Unfortunately, I can't provide more. What you see now is my best attempt at hammer.

What I can say is this,

I want users who play this map to question if they are playing TF2, or they are even still in the source engine.

Something like this has not been made (to my knowledge, apart from maps like trade_ocirina), and I want to push the visuals experience you can get from TF2's source engine.
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May 12, 2013
I want to push the visuals experience you can get from TF2's source engine.

That's a problem considering that most people still play in DirectX 8 mode. The only to get any type of normalmapping for that is by using ssbumps. There are also no realtime reflections. No lightwarps. And probably no phong or rimlighting either.
May 25, 2015
That's a problem considering that most people still play in DirectX 8 mode. The only to get any type of normalmapping for that is by using ssbumps. There are also no realtime reflections. No lightwarps. And probably no phong or rimlighting either.

What? Why would people play in DX8? I didn't even know you could set the engine to use DirectX 8.


L1: Registered
Dec 8, 2014
Because they have a bad graphics card.

And on topic: can we get some more details of the basic construction of the map? size, layout, etc? Or is it completely free for us to decide? Will the size and layout be like an arena map?

I am undecided on map design, but i would like the person who i hire to work with me. I am not asking for someone to make this map by them self, i would like to work closely with them, and have them talk with me about what I think might work well and what they think might work well.

As per the size, since things would be built modularly, the size would be based on the final design.
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Should note that for a high quality, 'push the limits of source engine', semi-professional level, new style of map... You will want to offer more than 300 dollars. These things will take time, work and lot of know-how and 300 dollars is not worth the time that someone will out into it.

That being said, if someone wants to take it on, that's their decision.


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
The game mode sounds a bit like a stripped-down version of a Zombie-type mod.

Such a map would be a bit like a Deathmatch arena, but with places where survivors can 'hole up' for a while to get some brief safety, or make a stand against the invading horde. The best Slender Fortress maps have a lot of places that look the same as each other, which, when combined with the limited light, can confuse a player's sense of direction and space and make them feel vulnerable. It's easy to get separated from friends in SF if you don't stick together.


L1: Registered
Dec 8, 2014
Should note that for a high quality, 'push the limits of source engine', semi-professional level, new style of map... You will want to offer more than 300 dollars. These things will take time, work and lot of know-how and 300 dollars is not worth the time that someone will out into it.

That being said, if someone wants to take it on, that's their decision.

I feel this map will not take more than a reasonable amount of work to construct, and i feel the price i have set matches the workload.

The map itself is modular, so pieces are just copied, or edited in minor ways. The map is just hallways and rooms. If you need to make a hallway, the mapper working on it would just need to copy a pre existing section. Most of the textures are ripped from portal 2, and already have normal maps, but they just need the vmfs to be configured, so they work properly.

The gamemode is being built by my servers plugin dev, so the only work that needs to be done is making different types of hallways, rooms, etc.

The game mode sounds a bit like a stripped-down version of a Zombie-type mod.

Such a map would be a bit like a Deathmatch arena, but with places where survivors can 'hole up' for a while to get some brief safety, or make a stand against the invading horde. The best Slender Fortress maps have a lot of places that look the same as each other, which, when combined with the limited light, can confuse a player's sense of direction and space and make them feel vulnerable. It's easy to get separated from friends in SF if you don't stick together.

Very well put. This map is supposed to bring up those ideas and game mechanics.
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
I am skeptical that even with modular kita, 300 bucks is an adequate amount for the quality job you are looking for. What if they need to make more modular piecea? What if using the pieces doesn't work? What about running and maintaining tests and iterations?

Adjusting the vmt's can take up a lot of time, additionally.

I'm not trying to ruin the project for you, I'm just trying to put things into perspective for everyone.


nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
Unfortunately, I can't provide more. What you see now is my best attempt at hammer.

What I can say is this,

I want users who play this map to question if they are playing TF2, or they are even still in the source engine.

Something like this has not been made (to my knowledge, apart from maps like trade_ocirina), and I want to push the visuals experience you can get from TF2's source engine.

Doin that is great but.........





Look at those great shadows.... This is a small detail map I made (walkable area is about 1500 units) And it is 12 Megabytes in size. If you want to make a full map that looks not of the Source Engine, that WILL happen to you. You'll end up with a massive map that takes a long time to download. That can easily turn people off, because they could make a much smaller download and go to another server.


Distinction in Applied Carving
Feb 22, 2014
Doin that is great but.........


Look at those great shadows.... This is a small detail map I made (walkable area is about 1500 units) And it is 12 Megabytes in size. If you want to make a full map that looks not of the Source Engine, that WILL happen to you. You'll end up with a massive map that takes a long time to download. That can easily turn people off, because they could make a much smaller download and go to another server.

I'm willing to bet the reason your file size is so large is because you cranked up the lightmap resolution on so many surfaces. You do know that affects file size and memory usage, right? It has nothing to do with "making it look like a different engine."