What do you think of my layout ?

The Siphon

L6: Sharp Member
Mar 2, 2015
So, I made a layout for my first map (koth_aqua_park) you can find it in the maps section.
I did few sketches on paper and then I decided to have this one.


white area is the area where player can go
crossed area is no access area (except you can access control point on second floor)
lines in a row means stairs
arrows means exit from spawn

the layout will change over time (more detail, less box shaped and the size will change)

I have to say, I am not good at making gameplay layouts as this is my first map.
so I would love your opinion.
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L7: Fancy Member
Feb 17, 2013
Is the control point room just a square? If it is, I'd have to warn you off the way your designing the map altogether: the most important bit of your map, especially a koth map, is the point and the area around it. Design that first, then work out how to get there from spawn after that. If you look at most official koth maps, the roots from spawn are basically straight shots to where the designer wanted players to come out of at the point.

The Siphon

L6: Sharp Member
Mar 2, 2015
Is the control point room just a square? If it is, I'd have to warn you off the way your designing the map altogether: the most important bit of your map, especially a koth map, is the point and the area around it. Design that first, then work out how to get there from spawn after that. If you look at most official koth maps, the roots from spawn are basically straight shots to where the designer wanted players to come out of at the point.

Well it is the first version of the control room and it won't stay in that way. shape will change also size and height variation will be there in Alpha


Sep 5, 2014
Looks like the only entrances to the control point zone are narrow corridors. This is bad cos such narrow entrances (chokepoints) are generally really easy to defend. Too easy, that is.

Look at the control point zones and the entrances leading up to them in Viaduct and Lakeside. See how they're actually fairly open? This makes defending harder and attacking easier (despite the height advantage defenders have in Lakeside) and also makes the area fun to fight in.

The Siphon

L6: Sharp Member
Mar 2, 2015
Looks like the only entrances to the control point zone are narrow corridors. This is bad cos such narrow entrances (chokepoints) are generally really easy to defend. Too easy, that is.

Look at the control point zones and the entrances leading up to them in Viaduct and Lakeside. See how they're actually fairly open? This makes defending harder and attacking easier (despite the height advantage defenders have in Lakeside) and also makes the area fun to fight in.

I'll try to figure out a way to do that, since lakeside and viaduct are outside maps so it is bit different


L2: Junior Member
Dec 22, 2012
I'll try to figure out a way to do that, since lakeside and viaduct are outside maps so it is bit different

Are you planning to make the entire map indoors ? If so then don't do it since a 100% indoor map screws over soldiers/demos and makes engies more powerful.


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
Images don't work inside spoilers.